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Changing rear brake pads - bought pads from Renault, do i need to buy clips?

  L'arctic Bleu Clio 182FF
Hi All,

Going to venture into some DIY mechanics on the car on sunday and replace the rear brake pads...

I bought the rear pads from Renault the other day, about £45.
In the box is literally just the 4 pads...

I've looked at some of the guides on here, and judging by the photos etc it looks like the new pads in the photos come with the metal clips etc for fitting - should i have bought these at the same time as the pads, or can i just reuse what is currently on the car??

Also, the guides say about winding the piston out to fit the new break pads in... i've never done this before, so is it simple to do? I think i'll go with the method of leaving the caliper in-situ and just remove the old and put the new pads on, with a bit of copper grease, but just wondered how you moved the piston etc... if there were any special tricks or methods...

Any help for this beginner would be much appreciated! ;):S


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
You need to remove the clip holding in this metal bar which holds in the pads , then tap out the metal bar .



Undo the cap on your brake fluid reservoir the wind the piston back into the caliper , clockwise .

Take off your engine cover to gain access to your brake fluid reservoir .

  L'arctic Bleu Clio 182FF
Thanks guys, really appreciate your replies/photos...

MrBilly, when you wind the piston back into the caliper is it obvious where you do it? I assume you wind it out to fit the new pads in, then wind it back in to press the pads back onto the disc?
I know they are probably stupid questions, but have never done it before...
