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cheapest FK or H&R coilovers??

  Clio MK 4
fk's are around £550 and h&r around 750 mark i believe. V-maxx do some at £400 which a fair few people have on here. I'm sure people will correct me if i'm wrong with my guessing
Highsports are 450 and the cheapest option from FK. H&R are more expensive, but much better.

Vmaxx are your cheapest option.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
please elaborate, just bought some 2nd hand ones.

Dont worry bout them, all the pistons push down and return nicely :)

For some reason he has a downer on them. I've never had any problems ith the THREE sets i've had on various RS Clios, must have done 100K on them in total
  Mondeo TDCI 130
My H&R were good on the cup, had done 30K!

Now have them on the 200 also! Not the same ones obviously!
  ITB'd MK1
Dont worry bout them, all the pistons push down and return nicely :)

For some reason he has a downer on them. I've never had any problems ith the THREE sets i've had on various RS Clios, must have done 100K on them in total

one of the sloppy set was one of your old sets ;). Not the recently sold ones BTW. sure they're fine
