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Cleaning the engine bay

  Fiesta ST-3
I want to give this a real good go this week. I have the general cleaning products for a normal clean but what list of items from cleaners to tools would you suggest to clean the bay.

Maybe a little list?



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Bottle of cleaner (AG engine & machine, GUNK etc etc) a couple of stiff bristled brushes, a couple of toothbrushes, hosepipe/pressure washer, than once it;s all clean and dry, a nice dose of trim restorer on the plastics.
Engine and machine cleaner as Daniel has said, brushes and then rinse with a damp MF, if you're worried about steam or pressure washing your bay.
  Fiesta ST-3
Ok cheers chaps and some hard bristle brushes to get into all the tight spaces.

You can use normal back to black products under the bay?
