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Clio 172 Cup Windscreen replacement- Mystery solved!

  Clio 172 Cup
Hi all,

To provide some help and guidance out there to owners who need to replace their 172 CUP windscreen, I have just been through this process (due to a crack) and it is not straight forward in terms of making sure the right one is fitted.

If you provide your registration and chassis number, you can still end up with the wrong windscreen which is what happened to me.

Firstly, the 172 CUP windscreen is:

NOT solar/UV coated
Has NO rain sensors etc

If you are incorrectly supplied with a solar/UV coated screen, there will be a small and very noticable "cut out" rectangle at the bottom-center of the windscreen. This is to allow French automatic toll booths etc to send their signal to the 3rd party reciever that will be mounted in a car for French drivers. The UV blocks this, hence the "cut out". This is the windscreen that will likely be supplied, which is incorrect for the 172 CUP. Make sure you check this when they turn up to replace your windscreen.

As the 172 CUP windscreen is not solar/UV coated (therefore no rectangular cut-out) and has no rain sensors, instead it has a very slight tint instead; blue or green. You will probably need to explain this when sorting a replacement windscreen. I found a post from 2008 which has the Renault part number for the tinted screens which I then gave to National Windscreens who were doing my replacement (mine was green).

Green tint: 7701066906
Blue tint: 7701066907

These part numbers still work. National Windscreen's gave the green windscreen part number to Renault and they ordered one for me- very good!

For extra information, these are the same windscreens fitted to the bog-stadard 1.2 Clio's.

Before fitting:

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Just bumping this, has anyone bought one of these windscreens using either of the part numbers above?

Mine is in desperate need of replacement and just wondering which one people went for?
