Quote: Originally posted by CUPSIZE? on 22 February 2003
Had a real nasty scare xomin home from work on Friday - lights up ahead where red with cars 3 up in 3 lanes, accelerated away from lights about 200yds behind, went to brake and what the feck - total wheel lock up, hammered back into first to get traction back, but no good, pulled the handbrake on, still locked up - back of merceded E class approaching real feckin quick - couldnt do nothin had to sit and have a big dump - car came back on line just before I smashed into the bumper and ended up only just touchin the merc - he got out but no damage - ppphhewweeee - never been so reklieved in my life - anyone know any good interior valet companies - its like a hunger strike in my car now......................
Ever heard of cadence braking ? I think you need to go on a driving course. Unless you stalled the engine when you locked up, i doubt the syncromesh would let you get it in first gear.