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Clio 172 rusting issues

Hi guys,

Got my new clio 172 delivered a couple of weeks ago. After spending all weekend cleaning it and T cutting the paintwork I noticed that my passenger side rear wheel arch is rusting through quite badly.

I thought that the renaults these days were a lot better built and I must admit I found it a little strange as I have had a couple of clios before that are older than my newest one and had no rust on them whatsoever.

Anyone else on here got rusting issues on the wheel arches???


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
maybe previous accident damage with a poor repair. ive personaly never seen a ph2 rusting but have a seen a few ph1 on like s plates.

btw, chcuk the t cut in the bin, its doing your car no favours.
That is what I thought as I have not seen rust on a newer renault before.

How come I should bin the t cut? I thought it was good for getting grime off the vehicles.

I usally use canuba wax on my vehicle.
  Titanium 182
Something sounds odd there, I'm on my 4th clio and my last one was ten years old, not a spot of rust on any of them.
I have had 5 clio,s this is the first one with rust on it. I suspect that it has had a minor bump and a poor repair done. Apart from this the outside of the vehicle apart from a few stone chips is in lovely condition and has a really deep shine to the paintwork.

I am a little annoyed as I was supposedly buying a mint car but I should have smelt a rat when he accepted £950.00 less than the asking price for a quick sale.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
T-Cut makes puppies cry ...! But wax and t-cut are very different things. Check out the detailing section ;)

The rust however.. hmm.. that smells dodgy. Sell up, and fast...?
