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Clio 182 Gremlins

  clio 182 cup
Hi All,

I've had 2 relatively trouble free years running a clio 182 and apart from regular servicing it hasnt cost me anything

Recently on a trip I noticed the water temp gauge starting to drop erratically. It never went up just kept bouncing to nothing then back up to quarter. The car drove fine and got me home running as sweetly as ever.

Next morning however it would not start. My mechanic dropped over and played around with the fuses and after changing a relay over it fired up. Problem solved I ordered the three main relays off Renault, replaced the lot and off I went.....for a couple of days. Then it happened again. This time after I got home I checked all the wiring and fuses etc and went for a test drive. I got about 3 miles before it started to go..It seemed like a fuel starvation problem..anyway after a bit of a wait I was able to nurse it home.

I got on the net and it seemed like what I required was a new air temp sensor. So got on to Renault and fitted the new one yesterday. Went for a test drive this time I got the usual 3 miles before it bogged down again(and the engine management light came on) anyway as before played with relays left it fifteen minutes got it going and nursed it home

It definitely seems like a fuelling problem, but a fuelling problem that being caused by something electrical ?

Does anyone have any suggestions or should I just be dropping the car to an auto electrician to let them sort it out ?

Thanks in advance for any help
maybe coolant temp sensor playing up as you where having trouble with the gauge could be telling the ecu the cars cold when warm etc running rough
  clio 182 cup
Thanks for the advice, pre cat lambda sounds interesting. The problems just started when I had the car Mot'd. Mot guy is a friend of a friend and told me there was a small crack in my exhaust but he was able to fill it to get me through the test..related ?
  clio 182 cup
Okay I think Im going to order a Lambda sensor, might get a crank sensor at the same time just in case

Before I do that though Ive heard you can clean them with some carb shot ? and re use them, anyone recommend that
Also should I be looking at replacing both sensors or just the pre-cat ?

Thanks Again
  CursedTitanium 182FF
Try craigy2703's idea first imho, if that don't fix it try a pre cat lambda. don't bother with the post cat one.

Mine had issues last month, the air pressure sensor went which over fuelled the engine & knackered the pre cat lambda by soaking it in fuel.

P.S. Yes you can clean up the TDC sensor with carb/brake cleaner. I did mine.
  clio 182 cup
Thanks for your help, think i'm just going to buy the lot and fit them, most expensive way but I cant afford to be off the road. I have read that doing a putty repair on an exhaust can affect the sensor so that theory tallies. Might pull it off tomorrow and see if theres anything physical that can be done to clean it up until the new parts arrive

Thanks again
