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Clio 2001 Old shape pollen/cabin filter location?

  Clio MK2 Phase 1
Hi, I have no idea where my pollen/cabin filter is! I had a look yesterday under the bonnet and tried to remove the scuttle panel but I think I have to take the wipers off. How do I get to it? What was your experience? How much time did it take?

Thanks for your help.


ClioSport Club Member
It's under the left hand side scuttle panel (drivers side). There's no need to remove the wiper blade arms to access it. Only a 5 minute job really.
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Just realised you have a phase 1. I'm not 100% sure then. Someone should be along to confirm :)

Welcome btw.

Should still be the same.

Pop the left hand bit of the scuttle panel off and there is a rectangular square that you need to take off.
  Clio Mk2,Mazda3sport
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I have a ph1 and it's not there don't know where else that put them ps I gave it a good clean


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