I looked into this when I had my old 1.2. Anything is possible - but it costs. Lots! Top Gear last night showed a Lada being done up by Lotus for £100k!
Sadly, it will not be a matter of taking it out and put another one in. Even the Energy 1.2 and 1.4 cars have different auxillary parts. By the time you move onto the 16v or Willy engines (F7P/R) youre looking at a new bonnet, cooling system, ECU, electrics, gbox, engine mounts, exhaust systyem and ignition system. And thats before you think about bigger brakes, suspension, interior gauges and so on!
The F7P (F16 i.e. 16-Valve 1.8) from the 19 16v is different from the Clio 16v anyway because it has different inlet and exhaust manifolds. The Williams F7R engine is the same as the F7P 16v engine except for a different bottom end and a few bits like alternator/starter.
But dont despair! Many models of car have popular conversions, so the know-how spreads. On the 16v its the Megane/Williams 2.0 bottom end; on the regular Clio it seems to be the GT Turbo engine. That doesnt mean theyre cheap or easy, but lots of other people have done them - so youre not being a guinea pig! Someone once made a Cosworth 4x4 powered Clio Mk1 - the world needs more of them!!!
Good luck