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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111

  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Agreed. That's nice. Looks like a 4x4 though?

4x4 ??

no looks at again and look the 1st R5 and the cars of the 1970's (but maybe you are too young to know or have known that)

Its forms just look like that of R5 and cars of the 1970s which were more "squared" than nowadays, simply that


Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

4x4 ??

no looks at again and look the 1st R5 and the cars of the 1970's (but maybe you are too young to know or have known that)

Its forms just look like that of R5 and cars of the 1970s which were more "squared" than nowadays, simply that

Mark is not a child he knows full well what a Renault 5 looks like, whenever anything negative is said in this thread you respond with an air of arrogant condescension rather than sucking it up and realising people are entitled to hold their own opinion. While we're on the subject I owned a Renault 5 many years ago so I sure as hell know what one looks like and despite that this mock up still does nothing for me personally.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Went into my local Renault to see if they had any info on the new 4RS, suprisingly, they didnt.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

When I was in yesterday, the rs specialist found out that it's going to be a 5 door only. He nearly cried!


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

When I was in yesterday, the rs specialist found out that it's going to be a 5 door only. He nearly cried!

I also educated my man in my Renault that its only to be a 5 door, i think even now he still doesnt believe me lol..
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

And 24h before the 1st official presentation at the medias and 4 days before the Paris Motor Show, this topic arrive at an important moment ^^
  Clio 200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I also educated my man in my Renault that its only to be a 5 door, i think even now he still doesnt believe me lol..

Mine had no knowledge of the RS launch tomorrow. I was about to throw some money at a 200 but going to wait until tomorrow before I do anything.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

It amazes me how clueless some Renault UK staff are!!! No wonder they are struggleing for sales!
i remember going into my local dealers in my Ph1 172 & them asking where I had got the bodykit from!
You would have thought I'd landed in my spaceship when I rocked up in the Vee
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

You two aren't allowed to pass comment in here with your German and Japanese cars, your opinion is rendered invalid.

Woops, sorry, I'll go and buy a clio so my opinion can be heard and then deemed illogical.


Not a fan of the new RS, too fussy at the front, bulges in the wrong place and not a fan of the door mounted mirrors. Rear end looks nice tho. Hope the actually one is different as some have suggested.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

How quickly are we likley to see pictures of it tomorrow? Does anyone actually know?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I really do hope i like it, it would be perfect for my needs provided a Silver Cross pram fits in the arse of it lol.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I really hope it's worse than the 200.
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Tomorrow, 2 days before the Paris Motor Show, Carlos Ghosn is the guest of a famous French radio show at 8:35am (hour of Paris)

I shall listen that of course (from my job ^^) and I shall try to translate tomorrow evening as good as possible what he will say, in spite of my bad English :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

What is it you do anyway mate? Are you attending the motor show yourself?
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

I worked in Paris and lived in the South suburb of Paris during almost 10 years between 2001 and 2010

It was easy thus for me in this time to go to at the Paris Motor Show and I have was there every times (especially that my job was at 300 meters of the Motor Show place ^^)

But since July, 2010 I lived in the South of France in "La Provence" (at 50km in the West of Marseille) and this year I cannot go to the Motor Show :-(

And you, you will go to the Paris Motor Show?

yes, actually the English live more meadows of Paris than me who live 1000 km in the South ^^ and with the tunnel under the channel it's easy for you to go in Paris :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

Cool! Sounds good!

Not going myself mate no! I'm Glasgow, Scotland mate. A wee bit further north than your self lol..
  CLIO 2 RS trackcar
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news

BUT mate, this week-end I shall be in the "World Series Renault" in the track "Paul Ricard" in Le Castellet, it is at 94 km and 1 hour only of hightway and roads from my home !!!! :race::clap: :drunk: :)

And maybe Renault will show the CLIO 4RS in this WSR , why not ? ^^

Wait and see thus, because I shall made like usually a video assembly of my photos and videos during this WSR 2012 in Le Castellet ;-)
