** UPDATE **
I know I've not done many updates on this as of late, but over the last week I've done a bit of refurbishing.
I knew that I needed to make my brakes look a little better as I hammerited them yellow last year, but they had faded and started to flake.
I didn't want to just paint over them as I knew the finish would be poor, so I decided to do a complete refurb.
I went onto BiggRed Calipers' website and ordered myself a seal kit, this cost me £21 delivered but I didn't want to cut any corners.
These came within a couple of days and I was made up with them.
I then went out and bought some etch primer, primer, paint & heat resistant lacquer.
I was on the lookout for some calipers that i could run on while I was refurbing my own, I spoke to Rob (ROB91) a few weeks ago and he told me that he was doing the conversion, so I asked whether I could buy his calipers when he changed to the 172 widetrack, so we agreed on a price

When I got them from him last week, I saw that they were in beter condition than mine, so I decided to refurb them and swap them straight over at the end.
Here's some of the process:
First of all I stripped them, I took out the pistons and masked every necessary bit up.
Etch primed:
Obviously lacquer followed
I then put the pistons, seals etc on so that they were ready to be put on the car.
Next came the changeover...
Here's what they looked like:
I decided to do them one at a time, so I jacked up the car and got the bucket ready for the fluid.
Took off the caliper and greased up the necessary parts to put them onto the car:
Pads in:
Wheels back on, just need to give them a clean as I got a bit of grease onto them
They will look miles better with my cup alloys back on after winter.
C&C welcome

Thanks for reading.