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Coaxials and sub to 2 channel amp?

  "Navy" N17 TWO
Those coaxils are 100w PEAK power
No you can't run the speakers & sub off a 2 channel :nono:

Since you asked what we think ;)
If it was me I would have sold the amp, bought a set of components for the front.

Then when I had cash to spare I would add to it with a 4 channel amp and a sub. 2 channels to run the components and give your front end even-more dynamic. Use the remaining 2 channels (bridged) to run your sub. Maybe even upgrade the sub at this point too if you wanted

Get it all in with a nice wee install
Bing bang boom - job done :approve:
  172 FF
cheers for the advice, much appreciated. Jus bought the 2 channel amp and sub from my mate cos they were dirt cheap. the amp is brand new, the sub only been used in a house lol as he lost his license before connecting them up. went for coaxials in front runnin from HU basically cos its easier and cheaper til ive got time/money for a decent set up. Really jus wanted to upgrade the clarity a bit and get some bass fill in the rear. Am losin ma ICE install virginity (wanted to keep it simple) so hopefully theres more to come with a little help from those in the know ;) jus waitin for my wiring kit to get crackin on it now!
  "Navy" N17 TWO
All fun & games then :)

you still got the std speakers in the rear?

am embarrassed to say yeah i have :eek:

Don't be
I know of people who have replaced them with Halfrauds contagiousness :dead:

The rear is fine as all it does is provide "rear fill"
Concentrate on your front end & upgrade to comps & better sub/amp when you save up a bit if thats what your plan is
  172 FF
yeah thats what i read on here about soundstage and the like. Will get components and a decent amp once I have a bit of cash goin spare! thanks for your advice bud
