Probably. But what about if a condition is that the winner is responsible for covering postage costs, they've got say a week or so to sort it out and if it's not been paid then it gets reraffled on the forum. If they aren't happy with that then they won't buy a ticket.
Does mean more work for admin but you gotta do something to pass the time in the mansion :wink:
Could raise an extra few quid I reckon.
It's not really about more work.. its just not logical..
You let someone know they have won a £2 box of chocolates and its going to cost them £4 for us to post it and they say "I don't want it" then what do we do? someone from the show could have had that... we would have to keep all of the tickets.. and we might pull someone who didn't agree to pay postage.. its basically a total nightmare lol!
Also what if every single ticket that was pulled out was someone who wasn't there (it could happen).. we then have to take all of those prizes home.. spend ages contacting people.. keeping track of who has won everything.. dealing with payments... sending them all etc..

theres so many prizes lol
Its already been discussed I'm afraid.. one of the bonuses of attending the event is being able to enter the raffle :smile: if we open it up to everyone its not quite as special.
Also if we spend the whole time pulling tickets out and saying "oh that person isn't here" it kind of spoils the fun of people coming up for prizes.
Sorry its attendees only :smile: If you want to donate to the charity though you are welcome to bank transfer one of the admin some money and we can throw it into the pot of course or we can look at setting up a just giving page for non attendees to donate.