Not right now, thats much more complicated. I only said about making the voltage one as i was asked. At the minute if you use the standard display or stalk i can't do anything.
Bare in mind i just started playing with this the other day and i need to pull my radio out and carry my laptop and everything out to the car to work on it so i haven't really spent much time on it.
Would it be able to display lambda readings? From the car I mean, not a separate source...
I've managed to read off a few values, I can't get oil temp I don't think.
I'm working reading the stalk commands so you could use them for control but I haven't got anywhere yet.
I have the standard radio so the most important thing for me is to keep that working along side this which is another thing I haven't figured out!
Iirc the stalk works using a matrix of the switches, not over serial. There's a thread on another forum with the schematic.
Would like to hear how your displaying the text etc using an arduino (via PM if you don't want to tell everyone how you've done it)
void loop(){
int value;
// read The engine RPM into 'value'
if (obd.ReadSensor(PID_RPM, value)) {
// light on LED on Arduino board when the RPM exceeds 5000
digitalWrite(13, value > 5000 ? HIGH : LOW);
Brill!!! Loving this. Is there a way of recording and logging it?