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Daily DCI 65

  Renault Clio DCi 65
Sweet thanks Graham is this the plug you speak of?*

Big update and thanks to Graham and his guide. Finally have cruise control fitted after a lot of testing, head scratching and wiring it's finally all in. My car was all wired from the ecu plug to the cabin for cruise but decided to bypass all this and just cut and solder my wires to the existing wires.


Took me atleast 6-7 hours to get it all wired and fitted. Still need to put the sport airbag in which I managed to win for £6 inc P&P :).
Can't remember how this goes back together

Finished product

Did this to my clocks whilst I was at it and fitted my white heater control bulbs yet to have a pic

More updates to come
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Thought so just need some pins for it, gonna go scrap yard and smash an ecu plug to pieces for the wires. Interior wise it's almost finished just need some new mats, rear door cards, wire up sun visors and fit steering trim to this wheel somehow. Then will start to sort the exterior.
The back wheels looked really lost in the arches and was starting to bug me.

16mm fitted, gonna make up some 20 and 25mm spacers once I've got the material.

Also purchased this for a fiver of ebay, unsure if to fit it or not or go for a better 3inch stainless tip and remove the backbox at the same time.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
me and alex are running 3'' outward rolled tips with no back box. 182 exhaust trim on mine so it looks smart into the bumper.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
same tip as me, and from the same seller lol.

you'll need a reducer pipe making up as the dci standard pipe is smaller.
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Having some trouble with my cruise control it doesn't work lol. The lights comes on the dash, but after 5 mins of driving it goes and doesn't come back on until I restart the car. The other function works, but eventually turns off.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
That is something to do with a wiring fault I think. Maybe a loose connection. Should be one though if it's all soldered!

makes me want spacers, maybe I'll have to get myself on eBay again
  Renault Clio DCi 65
I want maybe 1degree of camber on the back now, arch almost touches with weight in back.
I think the clutch switch is at fault had trouble trying to cancel the cruise when it worked. So ordered another switch and the plug for switch from renbreakers.
  Renault Clio DCi 65
No trouble cancelling with clutch switch when it first worked i tried to cancel it with clutch and brake but nothing happened so ended upturning it off on the panel. The speed limiter works as it should its just the cruise function that doesnt work, light comes up on dash but wont let me set it, then after a while it wont work at all no lights on the dash or anything


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Sounds like the connection supplying 12v to the ECU with the cruise switch is a little on the fudge
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Doh major brain fart there. Cruise still not working ecu has a fault code stored df118 whatever that is. New problem as arose now, I have a cracked abs ring I think which has brought the abs light on.
Finally wired in my sunvisors

And added another boot light which was really easy and adds a lot more light.

Exhaust tip arrived as well as the reducer and exhaust trim, which I need to put on when the weather brightens up.

Got some bits that need spraying still such as boot button, rear wiper blank, spoiler and front bumper trim.
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Sweet be good to see you there. Need to get my finger out and finish a few bits of.
Found the problem to the abs



Got 2 on order which will be fitted in the week
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Sorted abs ring out and my modified top mounts. Currently trying to find a way to bolt down my engine cover cause the engine bay needs tidying up.

Got bored and spray my dash strips, think they come out quite well. Just need to do the gear insert and clock surrounds.

Exhaust tip has been welded to the reducer pipe so will be fitting it at the weekend
  Renault Clio DCi 65
There may be another dci sport rep on the horizon GrahamS AlexW found a sport body kit for £100.
You were right about the laguna lighter alex looks much better than the original, also managed to get laguna cruise switch that gives of a white light to match the rest of the dash.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Ohhhhh s**t son that would be marvelous. Unfortunately my car is still not finished which is proving to be a HUGE problem.

Quick buy the kit right now!

Is the Laguna lighter white?
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Ohhh dear cutting it close then?
Im buying, I'm buying it! Yeah the casing is a clear white colour coupled with a white led its looks very oem.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
If you see my thread it's beyond cutting it close. It's going to run over into next week as it's gone from a bit of paint to a whole respray for some reason. No idea why but I may have to flog the Recaros if it becomes too expensive. Even worse my sister has gone on holiday and left MY other car parked up the road but has taken the key with her! Splendid.

I think a little picture of these items, splitter and socket is needed. I am intrigued.

PS, offer less money and buy this

I apologise if I am a bad influence
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  Renault Clio DCi 65
Your are a very bad influence Graham.

Here's my drunken ebay purchase offered him £100 for it all and didn't even realise till the other that I had won lol. So went and picked it all up today needs a bit of work before it can sprayed.

Also picking up sport running for the front soon so the wheels won't look stupidly lost in the arch and plus it's a bargain :)
  Clio RS200 L.Y
keeping a close eye on this one, love the progress so far buddy. thinking of getting a dci one of these to run along side the 200. and this thread is really not helping ahah!
Drunken purchases are the best I bid on an exhaust system and didn't realise till I got a notification about it ending soon oops :)


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Biggest bargain ever.

Is that also including arch liners? who ever sold that must be a plonker
  Renault Clio DCi 65
It included the front part of the arch liner need the rear part still. Just in the process of flating it all down ready for primer at the weekend hopefully have it all on by the end of the month


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
the front part is the expensive bit so that's just crazy you got those. It's almost free.

Are you flatting and then getting the car in at a body shop? wings will need blending into the doors usually
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Awesome he did say to me that he chucked some rear door cards (sport) away that I could of had for free.
I've managed to find a find a good colour match for my car so I'm gonna spray all the parts up first with the spray gun then fit it all and then get a bodyshop near by to me to just blend the wings and skirts into the rest of the body.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Ohh nice! should save your self a packet. As you know paint is all in the prep. Are you buying the paint premixed? You've got a water trap for the compressor etc?

Make your garage into a huge booth because even a spec of dust will be balls. Get a brand new paint suit etc.

Lots of questions!!
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Yeah I hope so, it's all in the prep wings are ready for primer. Front bumper had a crack in but that's been repaired now just need to rub it down a bit more in places. Skirts are covered in tar so waiting on some tar X to be delivered.

No been mixed to match paint whilst I wait. Not sorted water trap just yet leaving that to my dad to sort. Got 2 gas burners to help bake and cure the paint; plan is to line the whole garage with plastic sheeting into a box shape and spray in that to limit that amount of dust etc.
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Bit of an update
Front bumper and wings have been primed ready for colour still need to do abit more work on the skirts hoping to get it all sprayed and fitted before October 12th for the PFC Expo.

Travelled 350 miles last week to pick my other bargain up from GrahamS :D had a good chat and put more ideas in my head about what to do with the clio. Managed to get 80mpg from that trip used around £20-£25 worth of fuel getting there and back which is why I love the little dci.


Spent today sorting out the widetrack stuff so it can be fitted when I've got some free time. Abs rings fitted (26), inner arb bushes, brakes were rebuilt with new seal and then cracked out the paint and painted it all.

Bare in mind you can't use the M12 camber bolts you bought off me with the sport stuff, that requires the M14 set.
