We could go back and forth all day really, we obviously aren't going to agree.
but....when you are the number one, by a long way, normally, the only way it can go is for you to lose market share, same thing happened with HP and their blades, nobody could compete against them, then dell bought out a similar product, not as good, but dell customers bought it, therefore taking away from the over 70% share of the market Hp had.
and of course I mean in test labs for Microsoft, I was mentioning it before you did in a reply.....
the numbers are b****cks, like I said, VMware could easily match them, I'm sure of that, they just haven't had to because nobody was even close to them, now ms has come out with these, I can bet VMware will bring out similar numbers, when they were always the highest, what's the point in bringing out new numbers, save them for later when you need them. I'd like you to show me all these servers that run with 320 logical processors please, I'd like to get some for my test lab.......
and do you really think that customers running sap, oracle and 2tb of ram on vms really care about the cost of the VMware it's sitting on, they want the best platform possible to keep those servers running, and just like in the old days where nobody would get fired for buying blue (IBM), the same is true for VMware, nobody will question your decision, however running hyper-v would need justification as to why you were choosing it over VMware. Admittedly that is changing, and now Microsoft has a decent first product out it will continue to change, but VMware aren't going to sit on their arses, 5.1 is already out (not sure if that makes that ms doc wrong now as that's based on version 5). Oh and 1 million io's, you're looking at a serious San to offer those sorts of figures, and normally you would even have to look whether virtualisation is even the right thing for that server.
As far as advanced networking goes, you can do Cisco end to end with the 1000v, we are a hosting company, have hundreds of customers on our solution of Hp blades, flex fabric, VMware enterprise plus and nexus 5000 switching (although we are now going 7000 I believe as we are growing so fast), all on a 3par San, but even though we are a massive ms house, VMware is the only option when hosting customers, you never have to justify yourself, Customers have never questioned the fact that we use VMware, the same wouldn't be true if we ere running on hyper-v, we wouldn't have the number of customers we have, it's just a fact. And we don't have any issues with networking and multi tenancy.
Maybe you could find some non-MS docs to back up your argument, yes ms are up and coming and will get better all the time, and this new release is the first real contender for VMware, but VMware aren't going anywhere.