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  Recaro + Cupped 182

Trying to fit my denison ICE link plus and it sounds utter turd, like theres too much power going to the speakers and there distorting, and theres a Random Yellow RCA Lead hanging off it, apparantly thats for the 'uninterrupted +12V' but I cant find anything to connect it too. Any help would be much appreciated!

  dCi 100
Go to the options (press 6 look at the IPOD and go through with << or >>) and select 2V or 1V

  dCi 100
Btw, I'll probably not save the setting, so you'll have to e-mail Dension and ask for the firmware upgrade to version 4.15 :)
  Recaro + Cupped 182
nope, just cme in a bag from the suppliers! thatnks very much for you help, really appreciate it!
  Clio dynamique 1.4 16v
i'm guessing the yellow lead could be for video. Also make sure that the eq on your ipod is turned off.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5

Trying to fit my denison ICE link plus and it sounds utter ****, like theres too much power going to the speakers and there distorting, and theres a Random Yellow RCA Lead hanging off it, apparantly thats for the 'uninterrupted +12V' but I cant find anything to connect it too. Any help would be much appreciated!


'uninterrupted +12V' Normally means, direct supply from a 12v source.
If this lead has an RCA plug on it, is there perhaps a RCA socket with red.
/black wires on it, in the kit.

RCA leads are not normally used for power supplies on car audio equipment for avoidance of the obvious problem of feeding power into a low level output circuit, but its not unusual on video cameras and recorders.

I am not "hands on" with Dension so perhaps you need to obtain the instructions.

The fact you say it sounds bad could indicate its not working simply because its not powered up.
  1.2 16v Mk 2 Ph 2 Extreme
Thanks Brian. I will have another look at the back of my stereo but I dont seem to remember an RCA plug which this could connect to. It will involve splicing one of the other power leads. :(

I might not bother actually as it seems to work without it being connected.

Does anyone have the v4-4.15 firmware from Dension? Theres no v4 firmware on their website and mine (v4-4.14) has the bug where the audio level defaults to 4V everytime it gets turned on :( Thanks.
  dCi 100

The RCA is a video-out plug, ffs!
Just plug the Dension to the back of the radio, where the CD-changer would be. Job done.

And ask for the new firmware from Dension, if you get distorted sound and cannot set the Sound Level to anything other than 4V.

