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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
3m glass polish?

And this the ag one


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Ah glass is actually pants! Buy a decent glass cleaner and a klin glass cloth.

Also polishing glass is a pros job.


South West
ClioSport Area Rep
  Clio 182 LY
After some ag hd wax to try if anyone has some they don’t use anymore.

It’s okay, but even for the money there’s better. Have you tried Collinite yet? If not, get the marques de elligance wax it’s only about £20 for a tub on eBay and really decent stuff!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
After some ag hd wax to try if anyone has some they don’t use anymore.
It's actually okay. They just brought a new one out. It's long lasting but then again so is Colli. There is a reason they are long lasting.

Why does it have to be hd? Other waxes blow it away.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
It's actually okay. They just brought a new one out. It's long lasting but then again so is Colli. There is a reason they are long lasting.

Why does it have to be hd? Other waxes blow it away.

What you thinking mate


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Thanks. Will have a proper mooch tomo. Do fancy trying ag, I know there’s probably ‘better’ but it’s a wax I’ve fancied.


South West
ClioSport Area Rep
  Clio 182 LY
It's a decent wax, I used it for a year as when I was valeting I could buy it at trade price and a lot of my customers were happier with a name like Autoglym than some alternatives, albeit better, because they'd not heard of them lol. Just I always recommend Collinite as my "go to budget wax" as it just works so well, on any colour, in any climate - it just delivers.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Anyone heard/used a wax called ‘Harley Wax’

From reading it’s an old skool wax, one U.K. distributer and reviews seem really decent. £22.99 from eBay.



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I and i guess others have this issue, regarding cleaning the car.

You have a wax in mind to try and can't help but look at others. Then it makes you think twice about the initial wax choice lol. Rather annoying....

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Anyone used these?

Klin Korea Green Monster.


Seen a few video reviews and they look quite special. Designed for the dirty jobs where you'd normally throw away the dirty microfiber after a few uses. These just wash clean like new.

Got some to try, so will report back when I've tested them.
  Civic type r fk8
Anyone heard/used a wax called ‘Harley Wax’

From reading it’s an old skool wax, one U.K. distributer and reviews seem really decent. £22.99 from eBay.
Someone I work with used it on his red vxr ,now has metallic blue S4 looked good on red but hides the flake on metallic ,not sure on longevity of it though.



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
You don't sound like you know what you want though!

Buy some Zymol Carbon for RB. At least get a boutique feel. Imo that's the difference sometimes.
  Clio 182 Trophy
Anyone got any tips for polishing the really thin bits of roof? Smallest pads I have currently are 4" and I'm not planning on buying a I-brid just to do those bits. Gradually working my way down the car at the moment.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Trophy
Just mask the edges and use the 4 inch or hand polish.

Small backing plates are cheap though?
What's the smallest that would work on a da? I thought the oscillating would mean a 1 or 2 inch pad would be pointless. I think taping might be quickest at this stage, didn't even think of it tbh. Cheers!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup, GT2, Meg250
Probably a proper noob question but what do people use to clean and polish up the plastic chrome? Stuff like the grilles on new minis as all it seems to do is mist over if I use something like AF Finale so was after some advice?

Any suggestions would be welcome. :smile:


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 phase 2
I have bought some Gyeon - quite similar to megs. Only used it a couple of times so far

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


ClioSport Admin
ive ran out of megs endurance and fancy a change. has anyone used the gyeon q2 tire. how long does it last?

my brother uses autoglym instant tyre dressing, i like the finish it gives but doesn't last very long

I’ve used quite a few different tyre shine products over the last couple of years. This Soft99 one is definitely my favourite. It seems to really get into the rubber and keep it looking naturally black. Lasts for ages and comes with built on applicator pad.
