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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


ClioSport Club Member
You're f*cking lucky.

At least I wasn't enjoying the build up and it wasn't the best game I've played in years.

Oh, wait.


ClioSport Club Member
I want to go home and kill things

Some of the hacking is annoying.. would be nice if you had the opportunity to hack through some doors, or just punch through them

Incidentally, I haven't got the punch through walls aug.. is it worth getting?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I don't have that one, either. It's only a select few walls, IIRC. So maybe a bit pointless. Unsure.

Hacking is fine if you have enough Nuke's. If there are any datastores in the node sequence (the cubes), try to get those before capturing the green or red nodes. Bonus.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Get in! Fecking Steam Cloud is the sh1t!!!
Just launched Deus Ex now and the 'Continue' menu button was highlighted. Clicked it and it loaded my last save. :clap:

  Integra Type-R DC2
TBH, its not as much of an amazing game as I think reviews made it out to be. Don't get me wrong, its great, but I just feel its a little bit linear for my liking, in the grand scheme of things anyway. Whereas Mas Effect would allow you to explore as you wish, DE just pushes you towards the next part of the story with little in the way of exploring required. Ive never really felt overly compeled to do the side quests, I wasnt even aware that once I left an area I couldt return, something that pissed me off when I left my modified weapons in my apartment building, only to be able to retreive them about 10 missions later.

One thing I do like is, as many reviews have stated, the world that is created within the game. The music, the scenery, the general feel of the game really comes together to immerse you in the story. I found China particularly spectacular, the "Upper" and "Lower" city really looked a class apart. As someone said in a review, it all comes together to create a spectacularly rich world, much like films such as Fifth Element did. The story was also excellent, certainly did its job and kept me hooked. I found myself playing into the wee hours, just to find out what happens next.

Maybe its because I never played the original games, maybe im just not "getting" it like everyone else. I just dont think its as great as the hype. Certainly not a 10/10, a generous 9 perhaps.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Worst game I've played in years.

  Evo 5 RS
TBH, its not as much of an amazing game as I think reviews made it out to be. Don't get me wrong, its great, but I just feel its a little bit linear for my liking, in the grand scheme of things anyway. Whereas Mas Effect would allow you to explore as you wish, DE just pushes you towards the next part of the story with little in the way of exploring required. Ive never really felt overly compeled to do the side quests, I wasnt even aware that once I left an area I couldt return, something that pissed me off when I left my modified weapons in my apartment building, only to be able to retreive them about 10 missions later.

One thing I do like is, as many reviews have stated, the world that is created within the game. The music, the scenery, the general feel of the game really comes together to immerse you in the story. I found China particularly spectacular, the "Upper" and "Lower" city really looked a class apart. As someone said in a review, it all comes together to create a spectacularly rich world, much like films such as Fifth Element did. The story was also excellent, certainly did its job and kept me hooked. I found myself playing into the wee hours, just to find out what happens next.

Maybe its because I never played the original games, maybe im just not "getting" it like everyone else. I just dont think its as great as the hype. Certainly not a 10/10, a generous 9 perhaps.

Mass Effect is very good at giving off the illusion of freedom.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Granted, its not true freedom, but atleast you have the choice to revisit various places and complete side quests in your own time. I just felt this game pushed me towards the primary story missions and gave me very little in the way of choice. For example, in China the first time round, I had a brief dialogue with the prostitute and subsequently had a side quest to complete for her. I went to the roof as instructed to talk to the guy up there but he wanted a 1000 credits for information. I didnt have a 1000 credits, so I went on my merry way to accumilate the credits and soon found myself doing more of the story driven missions. It got to a point where I was up to my knees in the story and either had to leave China, or go back and do the side quests. I just really couldnt be arsed to go back to do a petty side quest because, at that point, I saw little insentive to do so, so I left.

Ok, that was my choice, but thats like watching an hour of a movie, lets say Blade Runner, then turning over to watch half an hour of Scrubs, before flicking back to Blade Runner and having to get myself back in the frame of mind. Doing so isnt really going to benefit me massively, and if anything, is going to detract from the main (awesome) plot. I like to do side quests when im finding a particular part of a game stale and fancy changing it up and I just felt this game lacked the freedom to do that.

Just my opinion obviously.
  Bus w**ker
FLOL Alex, don't sneak up on them. Sneak around them, hide behind boxes and s**t whilst watching their fixed pattern for patrol. Then scoot by when they turn and face the other way, but stay crouched to keep the noise down. Or if you're going to attack them, knock them out instead of killing them as it doesn't make any noise.

That said though, I can't even remember the first room as it was SO f**king EASY YOU MONG lol.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I did the mission trying to get hack into Taggarts computer last night, in the hotel/complex. I sneaked in using the vents and dropped into the room via the ceiling. Did all my hacking and was told to go to another location, then couldn't get back into the f*cking vent system because it was too high up. I tried for ages stacking boxes and climbing but I didn't have the jump augmentation to make that final leap. Meh. I wanted to remain silent so didn't want to kill anyone, so I made a bit of noise to entice a guard in to the room. Kapow. Knocked out. Did that again and after a few failed attempts trying to get out, I noticed a crack in the wall so I used my 1 free Praxis and got the punch through walls perk. Job done. I tell you, it's not too bad that, actually. I've since noticed a few of these hidden walls and there's always goodies behind them. The last thing I did before bed was the mission for Nicholas (Nicky), going into the alley and sewers to disarm the bomb. Got two Achievements for that, as I saved before I opened the bomb's terminal, entered the code to get the "Lucky Guess" achievement (which I found accidentally by reading a review of the game a few days ago), then reloaded and hacked it, too. Job done. I returned to Nicholas who said he was disappointed I didn't bring the guy back alive. FFS.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
TBH, its not as much of an amazing game as I think reviews made it out to be. Don't get me wrong, its great, but I just feel its a little bit linear for my liking, in the grand scheme of things anyway. Whereas Mas Effect would allow you to explore as you wish, DE just pushes you towards the next part of the story with little in the way of exploring required. Ive never really felt overly compeled to do the side quests, I wasnt even aware that once I left an area I couldt return, something that pissed me off when I left my modified weapons in my apartment building, only to be able to retreive them about 10 missions later.

One thing I do like is, as many reviews have stated, the world that is created within the game. The music, the scenery, the general feel of the game really comes together to immerse you in the story. I found China particularly spectacular, the "Upper" and "Lower" city really looked a class apart. As someone said in a review, it all comes together to create a spectacularly rich world, much like films such as Fifth Element did. The story was also excellent, certainly did its job and kept me hooked. I found myself playing into the wee hours, just to find out what happens next.

Maybe its because I never played the original games, maybe im just not "getting" it like everyone else. I just dont think its as great as the hype. Certainly not a 10/10, a generous 9 perhaps.

Granted, its not true freedom, but atleast you have the choice to revisit various places and complete side quests in your own time. I just felt this game pushed me towards the primary story missions and gave me very little in the way of choice. For example, in China the first time round, I had a brief dialogue with the prostitute and subsequently had a side quest to complete for her. I went to the roof as instructed to talk to the guy up there but he wanted a 1000 credits for information. I didnt have a 1000 credits, so I went on my merry way to accumilate the credits and soon found myself doing more of the story driven missions. It got to a point where I was up to my knees in the story and either had to leave China, or go back and do the side quests. I just really couldnt be arsed to go back to do a petty side quest because, at that point, I saw little insentive to do so, so I left.

Ok, that was my choice, but thats like watching an hour of a movie, lets say Blade Runner, then turning over to watch half an hour of Scrubs, before flicking back to Blade Runner and having to get myself back in the frame of mind. Doing so isnt really going to benefit me massively, and if anything, is going to detract from the main (awesome) plot. I like to do side quests when im finding a particular part of a game stale and fancy changing it up and I just felt this game lacked the freedom to do that.

Just my opinion obviously.

Good posts - seriously. I know where you're coming from.



ClioSport Club Member
FLOL Alex, don't sneak up on them. Sneak around them, hide behind boxes and s**t whilst watching their fixed pattern for patrol. Then scoot by when they turn and face the other way, but stay crouched to keep the noise down. Or if you're going to attack them, knock them out instead of killing them as it doesn't make any noise.

That said though, I can't even remember the first room as it was SO f**kING EASY YOU MONG lol.

Or, just shoot them all, poof

In response to J0sh, I find it refreshing that a game is actually near enough on rails, for once. Freedom is a bit too much sometimes, all I want is to shoot things and play through a story.

Batman hooked me for the above reason, pretty linear, awesome story, awesome explosions
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Or, just shoot them all, poof

In response to J0sh, I find it refreshing that a game is actually near enough on rails, for once. Freedom is a bit too much sometimes, all I want is to shoot things and play through a story.

Batman hooked me for the above reason, pretty linear, awesome story, awesome explosions

Also, "I'm a batman."


New one should be epic.
  Evo 5 RS
Good posts - seriously. I know where you're coming from.


Funny that though, because recently when I was replaying ME2 I couldn't even be bothered to do some of the side missions. In fact I just realised half way through one that I just didn't care. Like you put in your post though, Josh, that was my choice. Again, theres little to gain from helping some fat 4ft alien with asthma find his sodding wallet. I'm meant to be saving the ****ing universe you stupid oink. Maybe I'll help some 3 titted gilf cross the street or something, less effort involved and goody points all round. What I'm saying is, that is why they're side quests.

I like the ME series a lot. One thing it does a lot better than HE does is social interaction (helped a long a bit by the voice acting) and the graphics are much, much prettier. However the planet mining as much as you sugar coat it is boring as hell, yet essential if you want all the characters to come out alive in the end (FFS) Which imo is b****cks, and I hope they remove it or at least tweak it for ME3!

I guess it's just whatever you're into more, but I'd much rather prefer dropping some crime lord wannabe slope off a 5 story building to make it look like he killed himself, to finding out what happened to a missing mining vessel full of asthmatic weebles
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I didn't really enjoy Mass Effect 2 like others did. I played it and finished it, but it never wowed me once.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Funny that though, because recently when I was replaying ME2 I couldn't even be bothered to do some of the side missions. In fact I just realised half way through one that I just didn't care. Like you put in your post though, Josh, that was my choice. Again, theres little to gain from helping some fat 4ft alien with asthma find his sodding wallet. I'm meant to be saving the ****ing universe you stupid oink. Maybe I'll help some 3 titted gilf cross the street or something, less effort involved and goody points all round. What I'm saying is, that is why they're side quests.

I like the ME series a lot. One thing it does a lot better than HE does is social interaction (helped a long a bit by the voice acting) and the graphics are much, much prettier. However the planet mining as much as you sugar coat it is boring as hell, yet essential if you want all the characters to come out alive in the end (FFS) Which imo is b****cks, and I hope they remove it or at least tweak it for ME3!

I guess it's just whatever you're into more, but I'd much rather prefer dropping some crime lord wannabe slope off a 5 story building to make it look like he killed himself, to finding out what happened to a missing mining vessel full of asthmatic weebles

I am probably the only person I know that didn't mind that bit! Then again, that was a core function of the original Starflight game..... and I played that to death.



ClioSport Club Member
So close to the end now. I can tell it's going to be suitably epic.

Going to start another play-through again immediately.
  1.8 Civic EX
ok so I finally got to the first boss (I'm clearly taking my time compared to some of you lot), on the hardest difficulty I can honestly say he was the easiest boss fight I have ever come across since jumping on Bowsers head three times in Mario Bros.

The only leathal weapon I had was the Combat rifle, after a couple of tries (on this difficulty setting, the second he gets a shot on you, your bassically dead instantly), all he needed was an EMP grenade thrown at him, hide behind the wall right in front of you as the fight starts, while he's all gimmered up from the EMP unload a full clip from the rifile in his face, he stays on the spot and shoots at you till his weapon overheats, then while his weapon cools he just stands there doing f-all, another full clip unloaded in his face and the "fight" was over :)


ClioSport Club Member
Try doing the second boss without the Typhoon aug on hard. lol.

I thought the first one boss was easy, too... and I'm playing on hard also. I hate the bosses though; they're the worst part of the game by a mile.
  1.8 Civic EX
lol, tbh I've got all the hacking Aug's I want and a couple of the strengh ones (lift heavy objects and two extra columns) and don't see how the others will realy be much of a benifit so I guess the Typhoon is the next one for me to get.

I'll defo try the boss without using it though, as from reading on here it does make it very easy...
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Just passed the first boss on my second go, the 10mm pistol with laser sight and extra damage is awesome, headshot after headshot.
