2.2 bar shed.
Looking to upgrade my iMac as its starting to get shat on by a few things im doing. Upgrading the ram and looking to swap my HDD for an SSD while getting a NAS to store all my data on that isnt constantly used, as well as finally providing redundant backup for my work which I should've done years ago.
Has anyone done anything similar, opinions on if you could live with 60/120gb's of onboard storage in the long term? If I had a newer iMac I'd just buy an SSD and boot via it with thunderbolt, but alas I dont....
Has anyone done anything similar, opinions on if you could live with 60/120gb's of onboard storage in the long term? If I had a newer iMac I'd just buy an SSD and boot via it with thunderbolt, but alas I dont....