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Early Christmas present Sparco R100

  Clio Sport 182
Hello all.
I have been given a early Christmas present. is a sparco r100 seat. Looks and feels really nice.
Could you please help me to identify what else i need to buy in order to fit it.
I have found the runners through demon-tweeks.

Could you please tell me where i can get a subframe from? i know a member in here selling a x-low frames but i dont know if it is any good for me as my height is 5.5 foot. What else is available?
What Ohms resistor i need to use to avoid the air bag light to come on? any pictures with how need to be installed?
And a last question. where i can get a cover for the seat belt pre tensioner?

Thanks in advance.


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  Clio Sport 182
Hello all
i have ordered runners and a sparco sub frame from demon-tweeks and i will have them tomorrow.
i have read all the threads in here that telling how to remove the front seats, what resistor i need to use and where in order to avoid the air bag light to come on.
The only problem for me is that i haven't understand the bit with the micro switch and the seat position sensor. What they do?
Is any one can help me with this part? Could you please tell me what i need to do?
As the seat that i'm fitting is reclining seat i'm planing to use the oe seat belt. This means that i need to transfer the set belt buckle and pre tensioner.
Do i need to attach that micro switch and seat position sensor?

Thanks in advance
  Clio Sport 182
Thanks @imprezaworks
i have received the sparco sub frame
but doesn't look like the picture on ebay. i have attached the actual picture. it comes with a bracket for the set belt buckle pre tensioner.
and runners

At the moment i'm looking for a spare pre tensioner as i dont fancy taking apart my seat. i have put a thread on wanted section but no luck yet.
Can some one tell me what that micro switch does? is inside the red circle


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I think the micro switch is a seat position sensor, so it can gauge how far to deploy the air bag in the event of a crash based on how far back the seat is positioned.

Just forget about it and tuck it out the way, as you'll deactivate the airbag system with the new seat anyway as you'll be using resistors to fool it.
  Clio Sport 182
I think the micro switch is a seat position sensor, so it can gauge how far to deploy the air bag in the event of a crash based on how far back the seat is positioned.

Just forget about it and tuck it out the way, as you'll deactivate the airbag system with the new seat anyway as you'll be using resistors to fool it.

Thanks for your reply @JB21


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
As above as long as you have the buckle dont worry about the wires as you can resister it or have them removed from system via clip
  Clio 172 Merc ML55
I couldn't get the micro switch to clear with a resistor so I ended up removing it from the seat frame and tucking it up under the dash after hacking most of the airbag loom apart.

All traces of said loom are now gone though, and I put up with the airbag/serv lights being on, the cars only used on track and gets trailered everywhere, obviously if you're keeping yours on the road then it's a different story come MOT time @Paris 182
  Clio Sport 182
I couldn't get the micro switch to clear with a resistor so I ended up removing it from the seat frame and tucking it up under the dash after hacking most of the airbag loom apart.

All traces of said loom are now gone though, and I put up with the airbag/serv lights being on, the cars only used on track and gets trailered everywhere, obviously if you're keeping yours on the road then it's a different story come MOT time @Paris 182

@Ads29 This is my worry. i know that i can bypass the air bag with a resistor but i dont know what to do with this switch as im planning to use the seat belt buckle with the pre tensioner. im using my car to commute to work and needs to be road legal.
Does to micro switch plug into anything on the seat runner or is it just pressure activated? If the latter could you not just tape the fecker down to turn the light off? Theres been hurdrends you've manged to fit aftermarket seats on here and get all the lights out so it must be possible, my dash is lit up like a Christmas tree, but like @Ads29 mine is purely a track car so doesn't matter.
  Clio Sport 182
Does to micro switch plug into anything on the seat runner or is it just pressure activated? If the latter could you not just tape the fecker down to turn the light off? Theres been hurdrends you've manged to fit aftermarket seats on here and get all the lights out so it must be possible, my dash is lit up like a Christmas tree, but like @Ads29 mine is purely a track car so doesn't matter.

According the site below is riveted on the runners. I haven't remove my seat yet so i don't know exactly.
  Clio Sport 182
Seems it will be a pressure switch then, just try and tape it down if it doesn't work then just get it on CLIP and get them deleted permanently once all fitted.

I will try that then but first I need to find a spare pre tensioner to use.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Micro switch won't cause the light to come on. Removing the existing pretensioner from your seat is the way to go. It's very easy, no need to wait for a used one.
I tip for removing the front seats is soak the nuts underneath the car with penetrating spray a day before and on the day of removal, cant remember if its the inner or outer 2 but I sheared one of mine when removing them, as the nut was rusted on that bad.
  Clio 172 Merc ML55
@Ads29 This is my worry. i know that i can bypass the air bag with a resistor but i dont know what to do with this switch as im planning to use the seat belt buckle with the pre tensioner. im using my car to commute to work and needs to be road legal.

I didn't do anything with it, just reattached it back to the original loom (after removing it from the runner) and left it to its own devices under the dash, when I did mine I had a few faults logged, this being one of them so I can't confirm if it will bring the warning light up on its own but it does definitely log a fault in the airbag ecu
  Clio Sport 182
@Ads29 @JB21 @ForceIndia @bloke @cs_dave
i had the time today and went to my local scrap yard and took an airbag (black) and pre tensioner (grey) plug.
could you please confirm if i have placed the resistors in the correct slots?
This is just a sample in order to know were i have to put the resistors after removing my seat.
Also i bought a saxo rear seat belt buckle to fit temporary until i get the spare pre tensioner. so im guessing that the pre tensioner plug requieres resistor as well.



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ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Pretensioner doesn't need a resistor, reuse your existing one and plug it all in. The only thing you're using a resistor for is the airbag.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
@Ads29 @JB21 @ForceIndia @bloke @cs_dave
i had the time today and went to my local scrap yard and took an airbag (black) and pre tensioner (grey) plug.
could you please confirm if i have placed the resistors in the correct slots?
This is just a sample in order to know were i have to put the resistors after removing my seat.
Also i bought a saxo rear seat belt buckle to fit temporary until i get the spare pre tensioner. so im guessing that the pre tensioner plug requieres resistor as well.


Which scrappy in Pompey did you use mate? I need to visit a couple soon.
  Clio Sport 182
@Davyy i went to silverlake. but if you need something closer H & E Car Spares is in Portsmouth behind rentech. if you need any help let me know.
