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ebay - shite?

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  e60 M5 -172- dciheid
bought something off a clown and it arrived pisch poorly packaged and thus broken and also late.

contacted the knob no word back so went to paypal to get the cash back, got one half arsed message then it fizzled out.

so negative feedback then the clown neg feedbacks me despite him being the clown.

Just goes to prove if your knobber that it doesnt matter, what the f**k is the point in the system if its ok to send total shite and get away with it.

guys a w**k.
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  Mk1 Eunos Roadster
I had that when I bought a pair of boots for my gf. They had been 'whitened' according to the listing, but when they came through I could see that they'd actually been painted white. There were brush marks all over them and they even smelled like emulsion! I left negative and they left me negative back. Effing arseholes. They should introduce a system where the seller HAS TO leave feedback before the buyer even has the option to, that way it happens in the proper order.


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i always wait for the seller to leave feedback - if they dont then i dont leave any for them!
