Bag of spanners 😉
Bag of spanners 😉
Sounds like it lolBag of spanners 😉
@colesy just come across the thread.
Going down a very similar route but with 197 cams. Hoping to get booked into efi at some point this year so will be good to compare the group n vs 197 cams (vague I know)
Apart from the 182 mani that's the same as my mods.. Mapped at Efi last month just before Chris shut up shop...Im looking at the following:
197 cams
matched inlets
ktec/ram air induction
EPAS and no aircon
Arp rod bolts
182 manifold
Think thats it from memory!
It would have been easier when the engine was out but still its not hard... It was easier for me as I had access to a 2 post ramp and I just dropped my subframe and changed the rack over on the floor.. the interior part changing the column is a piss easy as was the wiring to it... removing all the old hpas hoses were a bit of a pain though if you want to keep them intact..Now I’ve got it back together I’m now thinking that I should’ve done an EPAS conversion at the same time. Is it hard to do? I’ve not done any research into it
Yea I read you were having issues with using an existing main power feed. Mines a Cup and I dont think that main feed is in mine so I had a quick look couldn't find one so I just ran an 8 gauge power cable straight to my internal bulkhead power supply from my battery relocation wiring..All the rest of the wiring was a doddle..I think I spent 1/2 hr tops and it was done..Its the mess of the hpas fluid that was the worst part for me, although had a bit of a time doing the wiring but It was my first time doing such job, had a couple problems prop up which @1985michael182 helped with
Read my thread m8. It's all on there.Now I’ve got it back together I’m now thinking that I should’ve done an EPAS conversion at the same time. Is it hard to do? I’ve not done any research into it
And GroupN timing completedAll back together now! @colesy you way ahead of me!![]()
Yea I read you were having issues with using an existing main power feed. Mines a Cup and I dont think that main feed is in mine so I had a quick look couldn't find one so I just ran an 8 gauge power cable straight to my internal bulkhead power supply from my battery relocation wiring..All the rest of the wiring was a doddle..I think I spent 1/2 hr tops and it was done..
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Lol.. TBF. I spent all of 2 mins looking, thought F**k it and #becausefrenchwiring, thought its better to run new thicker cabling anyway..I had to buy a nonsport loom which had the correct gauge wire that goes under the skuttle to the relays, worked out perfect.
I have a cup interior loom and both power and earths are in there btw
Did you damage your wheel arch when the bolts snapped ?