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Engine swap from 1.2 to 1.6 k4f from megane. in my storia

  clio mk2 storia 1.2
hi im about swapping a megane K4m engine 1.6 frmo 2003 into my clio storia 2007 with 1.2 engine :)
i'v read thats everythins is bolt on, and a car mechanic experienced guy and done 3 engine swaps in peugeots.

what aabout the connectors , the hole engine loom after ecu and all that goes to the relay box the same relay box as in my clio from what i v understood, but then? is there more connetors firther to the dash=? is has to be, like engine temp, oil temp, all that, is that connetor the same? or i need to solder cables? i v read ive dont have to.
the gearbox should work with my original hubs ive read and shafts. even the downpipe will fit?

the uch i need change to the donors car i know likle the key,
what exaktly need to be change? and what about the trottle cable does it need be electronic like on my storia , what if its cable? :)
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
i found this lump fitted before to a megane 1.6 2003 so this will be used on the clio, but where is the cables to the dash? and is it the same? like oil temp water temp, starter cable and so on
I swapped to a 1.6 K4M on an mk2 Clio 2 and stupidly got the wiring loom for the mk1 Clio 2 thinking "surely can't be that different", boy was I wrong. I managed to get hold of the full electrical manuals for the Clio 2 and with lots of time and patience I eventually managed to convert the loom, would I do it again? Nope.

All of that pain and the cars were the same footprint, so all of the length of the cabling was spot on, just the connections weren't (plus I had to make some juicy EPAS wiring). Using the Megane as a base? No way.

My advice, get the correct loom and save yourself the hassle.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
thanks for answer, but what? severel members has already toks they have done the swap and how easy it is to accomplish and how to do.
but i need help WHERE goes the cables further after the relay box to the dashboard? all cables to the oil temp water temp, to ignition lock and so on, where is the plug after relay box and how does it look? is the same plug on the megane, laguna and so on if not i have to solder the cables or get a new socket so it fit, isnt the cables tehe same on the different renaults? how much job is it? im about swaping a 1.6 from a megane, it seems to be the most similar system and plugs,

ive done a 205 gti6 conversion and 306 8 valve xsi 1994 with a swapped engine to a 16 valve citroen xantia engine with all the soldering and job to do. so i ve got experience :)
does the uch from the megane fit the clios uch sockets in the clio? on the picture you can see how i meen,


ClioSport Club Member
It is quite a strange conversion - have you read up on the megan 225 into clio swaps? There will be a lot more info on that here and some of the guides might have some of the info you need?
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
what is megane 225=? for a car? is it soem info on the 1.6 megane engine swap into 1.2 clio? or can you suply me with the needs :) please
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
hello?? please. can you give me some help guys? what wiring is needed to be soldered? does the plugs fit eachother males and females from crlio and the megane engine harnes?


ClioSport Club Member
Megane uch will cause loads of hassle to wire up, if you are going to attempt it then download the wiring diagrams off Renault Visu.

Easiest way is possibly virgin the megane 1.6 engine ecu immobiliser and sync it up to the clio uch.

Its a poor swap, id use clio engine and ecu to save hassle
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
so the UCH isnt a straight swap on the standard connections? what about just solder the most importent wiries from the engine harnes to the dash? like the usual like, engine temp, stoplight, speedo, rev signal, ignition lock calbes to starter, thats kinda alll ,plus the immo signals to the original uch or the megane uch but if does nto fit it sounds to be a horrible rewiring to that uch, its 100 cables or so to the uch :(


ClioSport Club Member
Megane assuming mk2 will most likely be keycard to start, so will be a right carry on to mate up meg loom to normal clio ignition key.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
what aabout cutting engine harnes at the ecu plug on the 1.2 lump and soldering in the 1.6 ecu connetor? and use as many standard sensor plugs and wiring as possible i can? and just add the nesecary ones like pen coils? i think the engine uses pen coils instead of noe wasted spark igition coil like the 1.2 use.


ClioSport Club Member
what is megane 225=? for a car? is it soem info on the 1.6 megane engine swap into 1.2 clio? or can you suply me with the needs :) please

hello?? please. can you give me some help guys? what wiring is needed to be soldered? does the plugs fit eachother males and females from crlio and the megane engine harnes?

Hi Kim,

I haven't done the conversion (or any Renault engine conversion) so cannot help much other than wish you luck. I will say that you will need to reprogram several modules so will likely need CLIP or similar for that. @Brigsy (I think it was you?) recently posted a brilliant thread where he has installed a Megan engine into a Kangoo - have a search for it because it highlights how much faffing needs to be done to make the UCH and ECU happy.

Secondly, you can literally open up google and type in Megane 225 to find out more. I'm all game for new members and cool projects but this project seems like a waste of your time, why are you doing it?


ClioSport Club Member
2003 megane in the uk has a uch/keycard.

1.6 ecu will still need immobiliser removing to wire up to clio loom.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
but what if i use a decoded ecu that doesnt need a immo :) i have one in my clio now, no nneed for key. they selling the boxes on ebay.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
so what i ve understand 1.6 uch from a megane/lagun doesnt fit in clio car? if so i can just slice in the megane ecu plug directly at the ecu plug that i cut off? if so i have no need for cutting and struggling with looms and connections, and and are good to go with everything in place in car like the relay box?
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
in exeption for slicing in the 1.6 ecuy plug at the engine harnes, can you guys give me the wiring diagram, i only have clio wiring diagram for engine even no diagam for the dash board :( i have a storia, so need diagram for engine and dashboeard on storia plus megane 1.6 2003


ClioSport Club Member
Seriously man you are going to have to use your noodle and Google stuff. What you are doing isn't normally done so you are going to have to make it happen or go a different route. If it hasn't readily been done no ones got the info to spoon feed you.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
i found my instrument cluster diagram for clio :) mk2 i gues its the same for my clio storia 2007. in my understanding, this few cables is the only needed to be cut and sliced into the 1.6 engine harnes plug that goes to the instrument cluster/dash. plus the starter cables plus the alternator cables, if the 1.6 ecu is unlocked and decoded no need for key, if so the swap is very simple couse
clio mk2 2.png
i done 2 engine swaps in peugoets
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
Seriously man you are going to have to use your noodle and Google stuff. What you are doing isn't normally done so you are going to have to make it happen or go a different route. If it hasn't readily been done no ones got the info to spoon feed you.
why do you lie? alot people on this forum have done the swap and several in my link on this site i pasted telling how to swap engine easy with just uch and some looms,


ClioSport Club Member
why do you lie? alot people on this forum have done the swap and several in my link on this site i pasted telling how to swap engine easy with just uch and some looms,
I think if you want to carry on asking questions I'm positive someone on here will be able to help but you are going to need to adjust your attitude a little - perhaps its a language barrier, perhaps not but either way stop it.

In the thread you linked the person with the most information was @Martin_172 - on the forum using the @ symbol followed by the username will notify them that their username has been mentioned, like rubbing a genie lamp three times.
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
I think if you want to carry on asking questions I'm positive someone on here will be able to help but you are going to need to adjust your attitude a little - perhaps its a language barrier, perhaps not but either way stop it.

In the thread you linked the person with the most information was @Martin_172 - on the forum using the @ symbol followed by the username will notify them that their username has been mentioned, like rubbing a genie lamp three times.
i mentioned his thread where many people mentioned how simpled it was to swap, just swap bolt on, and many done it they said but in this thread you say no one never done it kinda, thats a lie , be honest instead,


ClioSport Club Member
Never said it had not been done - just said it was an unusual swap so the information you need isn't commonly available.

Calling people liars isn't exactly going to get you the help you want is it - I don't know where your from but thats a piss poor attitude no matter what your primary language is. People here generally go out of their way to help people especially when they don't make it difficult.

The thread you linked seems to be regarding an engine swap from a mk2 Clio to a mk2 Clio. Your trying to do something stupid by putting a rubbish engine into a Clio that was never sold in the UK. Google makes a Storia it look like a Clio Campus?

If its a MK2 Clio source a wiring loom, ECU and UCH from a 1.6 MK2 Clio - plug it all in and give your self a clap.

What ECU connector does your 1.2 loom have on it? Are you sure you can't just use the 1.2 loom with a 1.6 (CLIO) ECU and reprogram the UCH?
  clio mk2 storia 1.2
I know exactly how to do this conversion, but I’m not going to say now because we are all liars.

Sorry not sorry
i never called you liar :ROFLMAO: i told Adeyspec not to lie about kidna never done the swap and its like its impossible when everyone in another thread say its so somple.
