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Exhaust/flexi/subframe 197

  Clio sport 182
Advice needed… I have a 197 and just had it in the garage for exhaust. The mechanic tried to modify it so it doesn’t constantly hit the subframe but was unable. Also the flex is leaking so will need new front part of the exhaust from manifold with flex pipe to middle section. Struggling to find one anywhere! Any one know the best place that won’t cost a fortune and how they got around it not hitting the subframe? Thanks


ClioSport Club Member
Might be helpful if you told people where you live, are you in Southampton or Inverness?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
If it’s still on its original flexi 99% of people put the Toyo manifold on. The subframe notch that stops the exhaust knocking shows up on MOT’s so i didn’t get it done and it doesn’t cause me any issues
