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f**king tw*t.....RRRRRRRRRR:(

  Renault Clio Grande
mate, sorry to see. ive been there before! hell i once leaned up against my car and pushed a panel in. they are made of velvet lol! soft and smooth. i had to buy a new engine also. timing belt s**t itself and wrecked the engine. good luck! :(
  Renault Clio Grande
oh, and 'get whiplash' thats always works! and shock. and it damaged £50's worth of your mums shopping in the back seat :D now go out and throw some eggs in the back seat and make it look good


You drawn the map yet ad??? was gonna have a go at work yesterday, but didnt get chance


53billabong said:
:dapprove: Thanks for contributing to the rise in everyones insurance premiums.

ad has had a sore neck, so he is entitled to it. it will not make significant difference to anyones premuim.
  Tesla MP3 2021
adtmits said:
You drawn the map yet ad??? was gonna have a go at work yesterday, but didnt get chance

na i havnt got round to it yet...
also checked google earth doesnt look like all be able to get anything from that...:(
  Tesla MP3 2021
53billabong said:
:dapprove: Thanks for contributing to the rise in everyones insurance premiums.


im suffering neck and back pains from accident....
thats why they have the prodedure to claim

oh and slap my wrist cos i didnt put it down in the thread...
Fair enough if you are experiencing whiplash symptoms - you may want to have a quick read of the above link though before setting anything in stone ;)
  Tesla MP3 2021
yeah ive read it.........
but hospital confirms damage to neck muscles and back.
Apologies for jumping to conclusions. I get (justifiably) annoyed with people who try to fraudulently claim and the tone of this thread looked that way.
  Tesla MP3 2021
53billabong said:
Apologies for jumping to conclusions. I get (justifiably) annoyed with people who try to fraudulently claim and the tone of this thread looked that way.

no worries....ill let ya
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
its 8k for wipelash now isnt it? and its not people claiming that puts up the premiums! its the people that crash into us! if they didnt we wouldn be able to claim!!!!!!!!! i say everyone should have to take a "checkup" test every 10 years. not as harsh as the driving test, but like a refresher...
The Fatty said:
its 8k for wipelash now isnt it? and its not people claiming that puts up the premiums! its the people that crash into us! if they didnt we wouldn be able to claim!!!!!!!!! i say everyone should have to take a "checkup" test every 10 years. not as harsh as the driving test, but like a refresher...

Well who do you think is paying that £8k? And you can't blame the people crashing into you for committing insurance fraud. If you haven't sustained an injury then don't claim that you have - simple as that. I'm not suggesting that you have BTW.

Fully agree with you re: refresher tests though
