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Fallout 3


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
i dont care buddy get some up next time your on! if you dont mind of course. makes me fall back in love with it, last time i went on FO3 i found the grave yard lol :S it was like id bought a new game tho because id never seen it before
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
i'm going back to an old saved game tonight after my main quest mishap :eek:

armed to the teeth, ready to do some a'killin
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I keep finding new locations at the moment, currently just east of the Citadel discovering new locations near the flooded metro, I need to earn some cash and buy some supplies in though, starting to get a bit low.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Well, I have this ready for playing now. First thing I did when I got back home was download it! :cool:


South Central- West Berks
ClioSport Area Rep
I had another go at this earlier on today. I needed to get through a gate of some kind. The goal is to do something at a radio station. I broke the lock trying to pick it. Now I apparently need a key. Not sure where that is, so I go back up to the outside world and stare aimlessly. A guy attacked me, so I set fire to him. Again, the flames had no effect on his actions at all.

I exited the game.

Your trying to run before you can walk. I was on level 10 before ventured to DC Ruins and started the GNR quest. Do side quests like Wasteland Survivor Guide and level up first..

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Finished The Pitt last night and just headed out over to the Citadel again.

I'm still refusing to pick that Explorer perk that reveals all the locations on the map. There are quite a few blank areas on my World Map that I'm sure will contain something. I'm still impressed that the Terrible Shotgun is still powerful enough to cause grief this far into the game.

Deathclaws? Go ahead an try it. :)

Your trying to run before you can walk. I was on level 10 before ventured to DC Ruins and started the GNR quest. Do side quests like Wasteland Survivor Guide and level up first..

Regardless, the basics have to be there. Being on fire usually affects people. Clean headshots always kill people. I fully appreciate that the game probably gets good enough to overcome these incredible design flaws. Personally, I'm not going to find out. Stinted and unrealistic, non-flowing combat = bin.

Glad I tried it though. It was worth seeing what all the fuss isn't about. It doesn't even look especially good, and the flow is contantly broken by having to use a fantastically poor interface. It's not even challenging, since you can effectively pause the live action at any moment, pop a few pills and choose another weapon. VATS a perfect face shot with the shotgun only to find the guy is still walking.

Fair play if people enjoy it but, I'm not one of them, and it's not because I haven't given it enough chance, it's because I don't want to, because I think it's s**t :D


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
half the stuff you pick out munson i didnt even flinch at to be quite honest untill you pointed them out i just get on with it, i love going on it just to kill things


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
nope we dont, im suprised your not into it tho in all honesty, maybe your just too picky lol


I have too much money than I know what to with on this game now, that said I will have to buy some stimpacks after broken steel - went from 60 to 20!!

What annoyed me most is that I'm goign to have to pay to get my alien blaster repaired which'll be the first time I've had to pay to repair anything :(


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
no i know that but i ment before you played it i honestly thought you'd of liked it
  Mito Sportiva 135
Fair play if Roy doesn't like it, at least he tried it. I have Far Cry 2 and didn't get into it despite loving the original.

I like the story in Fallout 3 nd just getting all the best weapons and stuff - for me was the game of last year, as I am still playing it now, 120 odd hours in!
  Monaro VXR
Regardless, the basics have to be there. Being on fire usually affects people. Clean headshots always kill people. I fully appreciate that the game probably gets good enough to overcome these incredible design flaws. Personally, I'm not going to find out. Stinted and unrealistic, non-flowing combat = bin.

Glad I tried it though. It was worth seeing what all the fuss isn't about. It doesn't even look especially good, and the flow is contantly broken by having to use a fantastically poor interface. It's not even challenging, since you can effectively pause the live action at any moment, pop a few pills and choose another weapon. VATS a perfect face shot with the shotgun only to find the guy is still walking.

Fair play if people enjoy it but, I'm not one of them, and it's not because I haven't given it enough chance, it's because I don't want to, because I think it's s**t :D

To be fair I think you are judging it as an FPS game. Not as an RPG which is what it is. Yes it has FPS combat but your skills remain the most important part, as does the condition of the weapon, and your main stats. As they all increase you find that killing someone in 1 hit with a rifle round to the head is very easy.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Does anyone know if I can get any more ammo for my alien blaster? Had a spree on hard difficulty in Old Olney against some device which was meant to stop them from attacking me did jack s**t!!
To be fair I think you are judging it as an FPS game. Not as an RPG which is what it is. Yes it has FPS combat but your skills remain the most important part, as does the condition of the weapon, and your main stats. As they all increase you find that killing someone in 1 hit with a rifle round to the head is very easy.

This is my entire point though. If skill is the factor, I don't want to see the bullet hit his face. You're right about thinking of it as an FPS though. I had hoped it was an FPS/RPG. It isn't even close to being an FPS. That leads me to my other point again. It doesn't have FPS combat, as you suggest. Far from it. It has RPG combat dressed up as FPS (and failing extremely hard).

I'm unsure why people can't just accept that not everyone is going to like it. There's no point trying to convince me I'm missing something. I get it, I really do. I just don't like the c**t :D
  Mito Sportiva 135
Roy, you should try Mass Effect if you like RPGs mixed with more realistic combat (albeit set in a futuristic setting) - has a more engaging story too in my opinion, but a bit slower to get going. Think you can get this on the PC as well as 360 can't you?
I think I'm just going to stick to hardcore FPS ;)

I thought I would try FO3 as something a bit different. I learnt my lesson. Now, when is Crysis 2 out?


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Any idea where the alien blaster can be found? Also which amour is best?

Cheers :D
  Mito Sportiva 135
Best armour is the Tesla Armour - well if you use energy weapons, which you will do later on.

Alien blaster is found in the wreckage of a crashed alien spaceship, towards the north of the map. Have a look on a map on Google or something to see where it is. You will know when you get close as you will start picking up a radio signal.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Hmmm. A tad stuck at the moment. I've completed the Pitt, gone back to the Citadel and done the Liberty Prime bit.

Gone back to the rotunda where Col. Autumn is and killed both him and his two geezahs. Now I'm stuck in that room! I can't get out - it saying that the doors have shut and there is no way to open them.

Any ideas on what to do?

  Monaro VXR
Hmmm. A tad stuck at the moment. I've completed the Pitt, gone back to the Citadel and done the Liberty Prime bit.

Gone back to the rotunda where Col. Autumn is and killed both him and his two geezahs. Now I'm stuck in that room! I can't get out - it saying that the doors have shut and there is no way to open them.

Any ideas on what to do?


Press 216 then Enter on the machines control panel in the centre, if you said you were going to go in. Will cause it to start up.
  Mito Sportiva 135
So annoying theending there though, I sent Fawkes in as he can stand the radiation but then in the ending dialogue it says Fawkes is a true I pretty much saved the world, he just went into a room he would survive in, RETARDS!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think this is getting very flakey since the DLCs have been applied. On my fourth attempt, Sentinel Lyons is with me now (the previous three attempts, I've been on my own when I've loaded the level). Now she says that "...first off, we need to lock down this place"...... but there's no-one else about to pose as a threat?

The centre panel does nothing when I click on it other than state that it does something with the filtration controls. The intercom does jack as does the air-lock control.

I remember sailing through this part when I had the vanilla Fallout 3. Now it just seems to be hit and miss as to whether or not the narrative allows the game to continue. :(

  Mito Sportiva 135
You know the main panel is the one on the left just before the filtration bit though right mate? (assuming you do if you have completed it before?)
  Monaro VXR
Not the panel that asks you if you want to put the FEV in it the one inside the round room. When you look at it you see water and a statue of Jefferson behind it.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
since applying Broken Steel whenever I exit the game it locks up, I have to log the machine off and back on to get to the desktop, apart from that, its fine.
  Monaro VXR
since applying Broken Steel whenever I exit the game it locks up, I have to log the machine off and back on to get to the desktop, apart from that, its fine.

I have got the same problem. I just Ctrl + Alt and Delete. Close the program down in task manager and it is fine.
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
well i went back to a previous saved game the other night (just after president Eden's bit blows up) and started finding other things to do

came across the Vengeance, makes killing anything robotic a piece of pi$$ :approve:

then ultra fail, did a load of stuff and levelled up, went to select a special perk and hit animal perk (of which i am already on level 2) by mistake, waste :dapprove:
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
well i went back to a previous saved game the other night (just after president Eden's bit blows up) and started finding other things to do

came across the Vengeance, makes killing anything robotic a piece of pi$$ :approve:

then ultra fail, did a load of stuff and levelled up, went to select a special perk and hit animal perk (of which i am already on level 2) by mistake, waste :dapprove:

What system?

On the XBox if you choose a perk and you can't choose it anymore then you can no longer select it..
