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FAO edde/similar - tech info re starting problem req

  Trophy #267
Im trying to fault find the starting issue on my FF 172 which appears to be temp related. The warmer the tempt he more awkward it seems to start. Somewhere between hot and cold. Initial turnover fine without starting, 2nd attempt usually fires and runs ok.

No faults sown at dealer altho now car is out of warranty. I had the crank sensor changed jul ish last year and it hasnt sorted the issue. Mechanic has suggested possibly collant sensor / air intake sensor but wondered if ne1 had any tech info on these as I was looking at removing a suspicious sensor and mesuring the resistance (assuming they are linear, resistance varibles sensors)

I have read various posts suggesting 'check collant / crank sensors' etc - what exactly are you referring to to check ? just electrical plug connections or other ?

Also, dash temp reading seems ok - unsure which sensor this responds to.




I have read various posts suggesting 'check collant / crank sensors' etc - what exactly are you referring to to check ? just electrical plug connections or other ?

For my crank sensor i took it to a garage to read the code and diagnose. I think thats the easiest way
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5

The temp sensor has a major input to the start and run sequence in the ECU and they are apparently prone to failure.

They are linear in their output, unfortunately I don't have the resistance values to hand.
Edde or Fred might be able to help you with that. The upside is, its a fairly cheap part.
  Trophy #267
aha thanks for the replies already :)
re crank sensor - theoretically it has been changed at my local dealer but that dont mean owt ....... and also it wasnt throwing up a fault code for the computer to read.

ty BrianR, im under the impression it could be any one of about 6 sensors which, individually are not expensive, but collectively could be !
However, its advice such as that which im after as to narrow down my search and at aleast get me to look in a certain area !

If i cant find technical data i think coolant is looking favourite to swap
  Ph2 Clio 172
Hi Wolf, just wondering if you solved this problem?

Ive had the same problem and I have changed the crank sensor and no luck.

If anyone else knows which way to go after the crank sensor would appreciate it also! Bit stuck for ideas as it may get pricey!
Hi Wolf, just wondering if you solved this problem?

Ive had the same problem and I have changed the crank sensor and no luck.

If anyone else knows which way to go after the crank sensor would appreciate it also! Bit stuck for ideas as it may get pricey!

As per the above posts check/change the coolent temp sensor. They fail and there wiring fails a lot.
  Trophy #267
edde. how do you mean the wiring fails ? as in part of the loom ? and if so i take it the ehole loom needs replacing ??
Its doubtful the loom istelf fails Wolf, Edde means the connections in the block plug - when you replace the sensor just clean them up and tighten them a bit so there is a firm connection.
