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FAO Middo - Other 21 yr old 172 Drivers

  Black Gold Cup Packed 182
Out of interest did you buy the rb from essex? I was gonna go look at it a couple of weeks ago, but there was someone going to see it before me and she said she would ring if it didnt sell.

no, it was too far away and i dont have the money yet! did u buy that 1 in your pic or was it u selling it? as i saw that car on ebay and messaged th guy about it, looked perfect but someone told me it gets ragged every day on the way to work as they pass it!!

I did buy that one, however my ownership was short lived and it has now gone back, quite glad to be honest as i think i rushed into buying it and noticed things that needed doing afterwards. Ah well, on the lookout for another :)


  172 Flame Red Phase 1
I just hit the magical 25, got 5 years no claims and its now only £450! Bit more than the £1.5k I was paying for my gtv when I was 21 :eek:

Im old
  Lots of Alfas
Im 22 and have a 172mk1, I paid £800 have 2ncb and have 2 female named 2nd drivers on which lowered it by £150.
  No more clio's for me!
Im 22 and have a 172mk1, I paid £800 have 2ncb and have 2 female named 2nd drivers on which lowered it by £150.

Aye, get a biatch on ya policy. The missus lowered my policy on the scoob by over £400 :S (shes 2yrs older, had her licence a yr longer) and i never let her drive it!! lol :rasp:
