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FCS 2012

  TTRS & V50
Didn't look in this thread tbh.

Got told off by 172ben so i'll re-itterate my comment.

Thread title: Stuck in the mud

Comment: With this huge drought were having the car park at donnington is going to be horrendous isn't it ?

I'll answer it too, YES. Unless they gravelled the field since last time I went.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I must admit. I was thinking earlier about parking arrangements. I can't think of any large areas of Tarmac. Either way I'm not fussed but was thinking earlier, I'm sure they have a master plan to organise us all ;)

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I'm doing a reckie of the place Saturday afternoon with the team so I'll let you know. Not that it's going to make a difference!


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
I'm hoping there's no wind at Donington!! :dapprove:

Not much chance of that.
If you go through underpass in paddock & turn left that takes you to the inside of Redgate corner, that's where the Trophys were back last time it was hosted.
You may have to enter via the new underpass near Coppice.
Track is awesome when wet.


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
Some answers to a few repeat questions.

What time does the show open/do we need to be on the club stand?

For club cars, the show opens at 7am, there is no cut off time that you must arrive by, but the later you arrive the less time you'll have to enjoy the show. You can leave to go home at any time throughout the day.

Can I buy entry tickets on the day and still get club parking?

Yes, the organisers have a limited quantity available from the ticket kiosk, please park in public parking and pay for entry/obtain a car pass, then join the queue for club parking. If the kiosk has run out of car passes, ClioSport has a few spares but you will need to buy your entry ticket and walk into the show and collect from the CS marquee. You can then re-enter with your car.

Is there a parade lap this year?

Yes, in memory of club member Lee Davies. You will need to complete a disclaimer form at the CS marquee. Full details here:

Will there be ClioSport stickers/merchandise available to buy on the day?

Yes, a full range of stickers and merchandise (including umbrellas and new clothing) will be available to purchase from the CS marquee throughout the day.

Is it going to rain?

There's a good chance of cloud and rain a the weekend, hopefully there's some sun too!

If you have any specific questions relating to the show/track time, you can contact the organisers direct:

  Nissan 350z
Aparently the venue has been ruined by the "Download" festival that happened last weekend in the rain, its a complete mud bath and they had to pump out water from the fields...


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
100% bringing wellington boots. Mate of mine said that donington was ruined by the download festival :(


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
It better rain now, as I'm not washing my car!

I'll be disappointed if we don't sell any umbrella's too!
  Clio V6 255,Clio R27
Post #157​
I have 5 entry tickets and 2 180 mins morning track slots for sale if anyone wants them, PM me or reply here but Im still going and camping over night if you want to collect them
