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Few issues with Heating & rear demister

My heater seems to be stuck on maxi, i can turn it down but it remains hot unless i go up and down several times slowly. Only has issue going from hot to cold, going from cold to hot works everytime.

Also while on maxi, car is warming up it smells funny (burnt) until correct temp, could this be likely a coolant leak?

And two lines on my demister has broken :mad:. Lines are intact i think this is water damage as i believe there is a small leak from somewhere (Steams up when i jetwash the window). I live in Derbyshire any recommended place to get a replacement window fitted?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Temp adjustment takes a reading from the headlining temperature sensor in the light unit so try a different one. If you have a coolant leak in the heater matrix you would know as it's in the passenger compartment and your footwells would be wet

Don't know on the rear window as I also have the same.
Temp adjustment takes a reading from the headlining temperature sensor in the light unit so try a different one. If you have a coolant leak in the heater matrix you would know as it's in the passenger compartment and your footwells would be wet

Don't know on the rear window as I also have the same.

Where about can i find this sensor mate not sure where you mean, light unit?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
It's probably easiest to replace the whole unit from a breaking car but try it from another one if you can first.

I just tried to take out the sensor part and the plastic is obviously so brittle I wouldn't bother.
It's probably easiest to replace the whole unit from a breaking car but try it from another one if you can first.

I just tried to take out the sensor part and the plastic is obviously so brittle I wouldn't bother.

I've just did this, it's easy to get to the sensor but haven't tried getting it out yet.
