My heater seems to be stuck on maxi, i can turn it down but it remains hot unless i go up and down several times slowly. Only has issue going from hot to cold, going from cold to hot works everytime.
Also while on maxi, car is warming up it smells funny (burnt) until correct temp, could this be likely a coolant leak?
And two lines on my demister has broken . Lines are intact i think this is water damage as i believe there is a small leak from somewhere (Steams up when i jetwash the window). I live in Derbyshire any recommended place to get a replacement window fitted?
Also while on maxi, car is warming up it smells funny (burnt) until correct temp, could this be likely a coolant leak?
And two lines on my demister has broken . Lines are intact i think this is water damage as i believe there is a small leak from somewhere (Steams up when i jetwash the window). I live in Derbyshire any recommended place to get a replacement window fitted?