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Few pics of my 182

  2005 182 cliosport
Hi all,

Heres a few pics of my new 182 i bought last month and i love it!, i used to own a 1.2 mk1 clio so i used to be on this forum a couple of years ago. I just upgraded from a MG ZR 105....i know epic fail of a car ha! My 182 already has a cat back miltek exhaust, lowered on apex springs ( not sure how low ) and a pipercross induction kit, which im going to take off and replace with a standard airbox and uprated panel filter.


By marcusbrockhurst at 2012-04-14


By marcusbrockhurst at 2012-04-14


By marcusbrockhurst at 2012-04-14


By marcusbrockhurst at 2012-04-14


By marcusbrockhurst at 2012-04-14
  2005 182 cliosport
cheers guys! ill get some better pictures when ive given it a proper polish, and find a good backdrop haha
  2005 182 cliosport
ahh i was thinking cup spoiler it would really tidy up the back! just guta get hold of one !
  2005 182 cliosport
i used imageshack to upload the pics and then it gives you a forum code and you copy and paste. I love the colour ive had 2 blue cars and 2 red cars....there just a pain to clean the silver is just so smooth


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I have a silver one myself, sometimes I do think it's a little boring... but when clean tbh just looks fecking amazing! I'd still swap for a LY or RB though :p
  pimp mobile Zafira
Looks very tidy mate. There's no fail about owning a ZR 105. I used to have one an loved it. Great fun.
  2005 182 cliosport
ive had it about 2 months and i gave it her first polish on saturday...the paint is just so clean and the speckles in it really do shine!
