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Fitting Corbeau Pro Series


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Morning Chaps,

Could do with a little help.

I've recently purchased a new Corbeau Pro Series XL to replace my Club Sport (standard size). As some of you may know the sidemounts are different as the Pro Series runs M10 bolts while the Club Sports run M8. Before we start I run the seats mounted as follows: Seat > Side Mounts > Subframe. No sliders etc.

I've received the new Corbeau side mounts however once fitted to the seats the side mounts do not line up with the pre-drilled holes in my Jon Foz XL subframe, unless I'm missing something. The only option I currently see is either use the side mounts that I ran with my Club Sports, although will require the holes to be made slightly bigger.

Any help would be great.


Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Makes sense @JamesBryan

I'll see if I can change them over, I didn't realise until now that they did two different types, the only issues is that they'll be silver, but I can always re-paint!



ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
They do the silver alloy ones and black in steel for the 90° mounts.

Which ones have you got?

I had a quick look online and it appears they only do silver unless I'm miss reading it, which I could be...

vailable in both a natural alloy finish and a black powder coated finish.


  • Pro Team Side Mount – Silver 35°
  • Pro Team Side Mount – Black 35°
  • Pro Team Side Mount – Silver 90°
  • Pro Team Side Mount – Silver Extended 90°
  • Pro Team X Side Mount – Silver 35°
  • Pro Team X Side Mount – Black 35°
  • Pro Team X Side Mount – Silver 90°
  • Pro Team X Side Mount – Silver Extended 90°

I've email the chap who has been helping me at Corbeau, he's been really helpful so far.


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Ahh maybe me that's got it wrong then ?

My silver ones came to suit the M10 fittings in the seats, although the holes to bolt it to the subframe are still M8 ?

Yeah mine are the same M10 to the seat yet M8 to the subframe.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 172&Ph2 172 Cup
The jon foz subframes seem to have different mounting holes to others.
I ran mirco seats, OMP side mounts and OMP subframe
Changed to the jon foz subframe and the side mounts when set as far apart as possible on the subframe holes wouldnt let the seat sit between them. Had to elongatw the holes to set them apart wider

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
The jon foz subframes seem to have different mounting holes to others.
I ran mirco seats, OMP side mounts and OMP subframe
Changed to the jon foz subframe and the side mounts when set as far apart as possible on the subframe holes wouldnt let the seat sit between them. Had to elongatw the holes to set them apart wider

I'm sure Jon said they were based on the OMP bolt spacing, so that's weird how they weren't the same.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Cup/Meg R26
Any pictures of seats fitted. And James yours look stunning. How did you fit the seatbelt bracket
Sorry to jump on the back of this thread. Could anyone tell me what size bolts you're all using to attach the foz low subframes to the car?

My guess was m10 x 40mm?
