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fitting cup spoiler *** advice please ***

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
i used to have a prima spoiler on my old clio and the bodyshop said when they fitted it that they also bonded it onto the car, I am fitting my cup spoiler to my 172 this weekend, but would have thought the 6 screws would be enough, and that there is no need to bond it on?

advice please?


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
LOl, the screws are more than enough!!! Make sure the connectors are tight and mate...and the washer hose is long enough...
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Ali, do you know if it is likely that I will need to extend/replace the washer hose, as some people have said they have needed to, when others have said they didn't?
Yes, I fitted the Cup Spoiler but it seems the water hose is a bit too short. Therefore, I think mine was bend and water is blocked at this moment. Any advice?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
lagerlout1 said:
I just pulled min through abit more. I had to alter the wiring to get it to fit the Cup brake light.

in what way? haven't heard of this before??
The plug on the end of the loom that attatched to my original brake light was round. The connector on the cup brake light is square. Had to dismantle the plug, solder the wires to the Cup brake light nad fill the whole thing with silicone.
shouldn't need to be bonded on
yeah, connector's are different, just cut the connectors off bare the wire and connect them manually.
Washer pipe had to be lengthened on mine... couple of quid for pipe at halfords
