lol you are funny.
Do you work in the IT industry?
Mac OSX is cheaper than XP home buddy !!!! everything included, and as stated by clever Sn00p, it can run on a machine who's architecture is 7 years old, without an issue.
Yes macs are a bit more expensive, but that's the h/w and not due to the o/s, not saying that the h/w is much different to a PC coz it is not.
At the end of the day, there is no point of carrying this on, as there is no point.
One thing though, XP machine, 2 years, not one single crash, on 24/7, you must have nothing installed but the original stuff. Unless it is a server.
XP workstations get clogged up with crap, and if not restarted every so often, some services stop running and issues occur. Also, there have been many updates that have caused issues, if your computer is up to date, you would have encountered various problems one of them being Windows Defender crashing frequenty, obviously, unless you are an expert, and new that was crap and opted out not to download it as an update.
Anyhow, its 8.44 and I am hungry.
Yes it is, you have to reinstall everything in windows after a clean install. It gets very dull and boring every 3 months. In OS X all you have to do is copy the application back to the applications folder.
I can "reinstall" all my applications back in a fresh install in about 1 minute. Do that under windows my friend.
Not to mention I thought MAC's didn't suffer form these issues that needed you to have formats in the first place....yet another mac myth busted. Just like they do get viruses.
They don't, but for whatever reason furrycup wanted to reinstall OS X, so I gave him detailed instructions on how to do it without losing anything.
(read post below for virus explanation)
Face it, windows is s**te and you all know it.
I have had my windows machine running 24 /7 for over 2 years now and i am still waiting for my first crash simple fact of the matter is those of us who are computer literate and know how to use them correctly know how to use windows correctly.
I can have my windows system formatted and up and running as it was before exactly the same all programs reinstalled in under an hour with no loss of data. And most of that is waiting for the CD to install. Know how to use the system fully and you have zero problems be your average windows user and you complain and say macs are better yet the majority of mac buyers cant seem to get it into there head the system is no faster and its just a software change they paid all that money for.
The old mac benchmarks were ripped off the site due to how much sale crap they had in them without actually using fair tests. They did a comparison on photo creation and office creative. PC used MS office and the mac used its own system...Obviously its gonna be faster then as its cheating.
Simple fact is if your not a complete tard and know how to use a windows machine they can last as long as a mac and those that do need something more work related can just install linux. Rather than paying the rather large price premium for the mac OS which in my opinion sucks balls. And I can say that as I had to use them everyday at University mac osx is made for your average computer simpleton.