ph2 172
That S class race on the ring last night was really close. Luckily that zonda was useless on the straights :approve:
Yeah your 2 mile wide Audi which kept getting in my way :rasp:
That S class race on the ring last night was really close. :approve:
Was close for us normal drivers :rasp: You the professional had vanished as usual. But there was a good 4 car battle behind which ended badly for the audi and lotus. Then my ferrari ruined the zonda on the sprint to the line
Vagina Kaido is officially the best map ever.
Oh and FYI some of them weren't me.. I just got the blame.
Pick on the Scottish one.
Btw AK, Im a winner, I just got gifted 4 of those ferraris, not 2 like i should. Lol.