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Forza 3

Some more comparison shots.







If I start to pick holes there are some things that arent quite bang on but considering some of the things I've read of late by devs(in general with regards to photorealism) it is going to be about 2012-2015 before something like a racing game looks photoreal. Further still for things like FPS (mid to late 2020's).


Raises a valid point, I really hope all these released images really are from 'in-game' i.e. no touch up from photo apps etc after the pics are taken.

EDIT: Those Mazda comparisons are like FM to FM2 tbh!!! You wouldn't think they from the same console platform - Epic! Also, finally, the wheels actually look like they a turning rather than just spinning 2D transparent discs! (Last pic)
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all taken with the in game photomode apparently. No tweeking, touching up all the photomode does is run some AA to clean up any jaggies a bit.
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
Don't want to search the entire thread lol, but what fps is it? - still 30 like the previous games in the series?.
  Nippy white cup
Not sure about FM1 but 2 was 60fps and so is this one fella...there is a vid a couple of pages back which is off a tv but is 60fps and it looks very impressing indeed!

The Turn 10 Studios Blog

The home of Turn 10 Studios, creators of Forza Motorsport 2 on Xbox 360.
.DoNotDisplay { display: none; }Studio Tour: Journalists get a good look at Forza Motorsport 3.


Things were looking good around here on Tuesday night as we put the final touches on preparations for our first major studio tour since E3. With 8 gaming stations accompanied by our mighty hydraulic pod linked directly to our physics engine, we were set to showcase Forza Motorsport 3 on Wednesday afternoon. The audience? A group of 17 journalists from Europe, Japan and the United States all eager to hear about it…and of course get their swerve on with the full game.

Besides being the first group of people to actually play the full game, they also got the inside line on a host of new community features that we’ve cooked up for V3. I’ll save the details for another blog on another day, but at the end of it all we had 17 folks ready for more Forza action. A very good showing for Forza 3 and Turn 10, and we are all eagerly anticipating the steady stream of content that is sure to surface in the near future.

Of course for those of you who just can’t wait for another taste of awesome, we’ve lined up a new batch of sexy screens to release on the 27th of July. Remember every other Tuesday is Forza day, so when the time rolls around you better stop what you’re doing…find some internetz…and check out the new Forza 3 hotness.
For now check out a few shots I grabbed of our new hydraulic motion pod! Whoooo.





Buckle up!!
  Nippy white cup
Amazing looking as usual...any news on the wheels? Being able to put different manufacturers wheels on cars would be amazing imo...and those are clearly bentley wheels on the M5

Brabus wheels fella ;)

Apparently they're going to be releasing some more info about options, game modes, features etc some time this week. They've been held back by MS press gagging and schedules and the fact they've been so busy with events and other things surrounding the game. There should be some "first look" articles appearing online soon too as a load of gaming jurno's got their hands on the "full game" alpha code this week.
  AG 200 cup
sony better get the finger out and finish gt5 and have a good reason why it has taken so long for thenm to make it
very long podcast ^^^ but worth sticking with, it's slow to begin with but some of the details about game options for setting up lobbies and scoring/deciding winners etc sound amazing.
No word as yet but I would imagine as Cookie says possibly at the start of October although you never can tell some Demo's go live at or even after release date.
  106 GTI
prefer the full release as opposed to demo anyway, god help my evenings when its released.

Hopefully live wont crash from the many many people playing it lol
Not sure how many of you lot listened to the full podcast I linked there but the online lobby options are huge. So much potential for game types. Addition of the clutch button for manual shifting could be cool too.
No idea about that but yup you can drive auto, manual, or manual with clutch. It's all mentioned in the link along with details about game modes etc. Sounds epic even though they were having to watch what they said and not let other details slip due to the PR schedule Microsoft are being Nazi like with them releasing various info.
It certainly will be useful for clutch kicking in drift situations, I think it could be quite fun for racing in general though. Apparently as default it's assigned to the left bumper button.

For those who've not bothered to listen to the podcast here's a brief transcription someone has done, seems fairly accurate. Worth a listen anyway tbh.

-Drift Scoring system
-Rewind will de-certify lap times, not available online
-Auto Brake will not de-certify lap times
-Option to lock out auto brake online
-Clutch button for controller

-Will miss gears if clutch not pressed
-Will damage clutch if not pressed
-Faster shift times with clutch (weird)

-Auto upgrade, not tuning

-Makes a build to a PI target
-Will stop if there is insufficient credits

-Improved multiplayer search options

-search for drift, drag, circuit, drive type, class, etc...
-popular game types will become searchable when they're created
-all multiplayer races are payed (i.e.: will earn credits for all game types)
-single race, timed race, p2p, drag, drift, multi-class, tag mode (tag, keep the IT, virus), cat and mouse, elimination (knockout)...
-change scoring type: timed, drift score, best lap, damage, teams/groups
-change start order/type: by PI, place, ascending or descending, rolling, delayed rolling
-lock groups in specific cars, PI class, etc...
-save-able/nameable game types

-Changed PI system

-all cars get PI, incl R class
-Production cars will upgrade to and through the R classes
-PI is based on the ability of the car and not the AI's ability to drive it
-Should eliminate "missiles"
-more parts for smaller PI increments
-new body kits, rims
-upgradeable race cars

-Cars will be able to be flipped back over after a roll
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
I don't know tbh.... Been playing Forza 2 off an on since it came out & still haven't completed all the races. I think I am level 40 now, but is it just me that thinks "so what!"?. I mean yeah Forza 3 is gonna be a step up on 2, but in all honesty who can be bothered playing all way through the leveling system AGAIN and racing on the same god dam tracks + an extra few backwards.

I just can't be arsed playing racing games where its "been done" bar a few little touches each year or so. The Forza series & Gran Turismo series hasn't really changed much other than adding graphics, extra cars & tracks. I want evolution, not revolution!. Maybe I am just bored of playing Racing Games over the last 10+ years, but surely it can't just be me feeling like this? - or maybe there is?!.
I don't know tbh.... Been playing Forza 2 off an on since it came out & still haven't completed all the races. I think I am level 40 now, but is it just me that thinks "so what!"?. I mean yeah Forza 3 is gonna be a step up on 2, but in all honesty who can be bothered playing all way through the leveling system AGAIN and racing on the same god dam tracks + an extra few backwards.

I just can't be arsed playing racing games where its "been done" bar a few little touches each year or so. The Forza series & Gran Turismo series hasn't really changed much other than adding graphics, extra cars & tracks. I want evolution, not revolution!. Maybe I am just bored of playing Racing Games over the last 10+ years, but surely it can't just be me feeling like this? - or maybe there is?!.

Have you actually spent any decent amount of time playing Forza online?

I agree the career element of racing games can become a little stale and repetitive but the online options on Forza 2 made it so good to play. Forza 3 with additional options, tweeks, more cars circuits and a whole heap of game types looks set to surpass anything else out there or due.
I hate Forza online. Full of feckless yanks who can't hack being beaten so they ram everybody off the track.

So is there a full manual with clutch, and a clutchless manual option? And which one is the left bumper button? I still call them by PS2 names lol.
