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Forza 3

  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Why are some bits so different?! I don't mean to sound negative... but you'd imagine things like Mirrors would be pretty simple to get right?
FFS. I'm not being funny but I really do wish the press/internet/geeks would stop publishing/posting stupidly resampled high res images that nothing could render in realtime at anything above 1fps.
Why are some bits so different?! I don't mean to sound negative... but you'd imagine things like Mirrors would be pretty simple to get right?

Thing is the pictures used as comparison are closest match people on the net can find in terms of angle and colour etc. Some will be down to the position of the camera and others will be down to things like model year of the cars not being the same. Then theres the issue of what market the pictured car is from as US/UK/JDM will all have minor differences. Only way to get a true comparison would be to have the car used as the source by T10 photographed at the exact same angle as the in game pics.

tbh it's splitting hairs either way when you look how far graphics have come even in the last 3-4 years. I think the closer we get to photrealism the more picky people will become. Uncanny valley syndrome.
All photomode pics apparently Roy, only "graphic touch" the photomode does is AA to sort out jaggies.

My perception is that they're massive-res PC generated images, resized and resampled. Fair enough though, I may be wrong. The fact is that those shots are not representative of how the game will play. You're looking at 32xQAA to render images like that. Even a power PC couldn't serve that up at 60fps or anything close. Fair play if they're photomode shots I guess - I just roffle at how games are portrayed in screen caps.

The game looks incredible. All the more incredible considering the hardware it has at its disposal. I just personally find those types of caps a complete misrepresentation of what the game will play like.

I'm buying it though of course :)
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Lol, fair point there TBH. I still wouldn't mind the game... but can't really justify the 360 for a single game LOL. Plus GT5 will look even better :p
Tbh I'd be buying it even if it looked no better than Forza 2. For me it's all about the physics, circuits and gameplay. Forza 2 served up a huge number of lobby options and 3 looks set to knock that out of the park. Games do tend to look better in photo/replay mode as a result of the reduction in FPS, GT being a case in point, the actual game running jaggies all over the shop along with screen tear. There's also the whole LOD thing which pretty much all games now utilise to help the game run faster.
Lol, fair point there TBH. I still wouldn't mind the game... but can't really justify the 360 for a single game LOL. Plus GT5 will look even better :p

Spend a couple of weeks playing Forza 2 and GT5p back to back and you may well see why it's worthy of investment tbh.
Just to play devils advocate some people were getting shots like this out of Forza 2's photomode. And the cars in Forza 3 have 10x the number of polys of Forza 2!

Indeed. Forza 2 manages to do a good job of creating the impression that you really are driving a car around a race track. GT5p just feels like you're on a Playstation.
I can barely remember yesterday, let alone our Forza sessions TBH Loony. Were we even on track at the same time? Who was it that kept nearly crashing into the back of my thousand horse power FWD Corrado at the Ring because I was braking on the straights?
lol, no idea! We had a run of new comers appearing on various different nights at one point back then. For the most part if the likes of me Chris, Chris and Alex managed to stay out of the first corner pile up as noobs + cold tyres came into effect then we were pretty much gone.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
FFS. I'm not being funny but I really do wish the press/internet/geeks would stop publishing/posting stupidly resampled high res images that nothing could render in realtime at anything above 1fps.

You're right you're not being funny, but you are correct! Just look at some of the screenshots people take on Forza2. It looks nothing like the game!! (i.e. garbage lol)

Tbh I'd be buying it even if it looked no better than Forza 2. For me it's all about the physics, circuits and gameplay. Forza 2 served up a huge number of lobby options and 3 looks set to knock that out of the park. Games do tend to look better in photo/replay mode as a result of the reduction in FPS, GT being a case in point, the actual game running jaggies all over the shop along with screen tear. There's also the whole LOD thing which pretty much all games now utilise to help the game run faster.

Forza1 was better online imo. Forza2 has so many network problems, take me and Chris172cup for example. What can possibly be the cause of that little nugget of online fun?

That said I have played Forza not so long ago (a few months) and I remember the graphics being dog s**t and the sound being even worse. Handling felt alright, but then at the time when it was pretty good, the online was the business.
I didn't get my hands on Forza 1 until after Forza 2 and never played it online if I'm honest. I'm aware there are things like car clubs left out and alot of criticism from the veterans who'd been about since Forza 1. That said you only have to line Forza 2 up against GT5p or grid to see that it excells with the amount of options you're given to create your lobbies. As for the issues with certain players causing lag or booting it's odd for sure, hopefully they will have resolved the cause presuming it's software related specific to Forza 2.

  Citroen DS3 DSport
I've read rumours that the 360 Elite will fall in price to £170 within the next month, I hope that is true :)
I'd seen that but didn't bother posting it as I didn't feel it told us much more. The track with the Lambo is the Amalfi Coast IIRC, one of the real world locations for a fantasy track. There's rumour we'll be seeing a video soon, whether this is something taken by/when games jurnos were in or the Formula D guys or if it's the video Landin has made that's been mentioned I'm not sure.
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
Looks like its shapin along nicely :approve:. Do people think Forza 3 could be the last forza on the 360?... Couldn't imagine them makin another one after Forza 3 for this gen tbh.
Looks like its shapin along nicely :approve:. Do people think Forza 3 could be the last forza on the 360?... Couldn't imagine them makin another one after Forza 3 for this gen tbh.

Tough call tbh. Seems to be alot of rumour that the current consoles are going to be with us until 2012ish in which case based on an average turn around of 2 years dev they might sneak another out before the next gen. Alternatively they could wait and begin dev for the launch of the next gen. Really is anyones guess, T10 and MS will be the ones who'll know but I can't see them making anything public until it's become apparent what they're going to do anyway.
