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Forza 3

lol, T10 are based on the West Coast of the US. You wont see anything from them during the day. Generally the updates I post on here from them rather than 3rd parties like IGN, 1UP, etc I don't get hold of until evening. Generally between 7pm and midnight although sometimes they don't get put online until later.

There will be some footage/coverage this week on xbl from Gamescon or whatever it is in Germany no doubt with Mr Pointyhead etc.
I think they opened with that heap of s**t Mustang to keep the yanks happy. They've been banging on about foxbody mustangs since Forza 2 was released I hope now they've got the ugly POS they'll STFU lol
  1.8 Civic EX
has there been any mention of different weather conditions and times of day/night etc?

imo thats the main thing Forza is missing...
And tbh I'd sooner they left weather out, I'd like day night cycle so long as you could choose it rather than be forced certain times on certain tracks. Weather however is s**t, you only need to look at PGR4's snow/rain, as pretty as the effects were the physics were way off.
  106 GTI
I dont think it needs wet weather, its hard enough to setup a car as it is.

It needs some flames though
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
there will be no weather or night day cycle in forza 3, its been confirmed

O FFS!. They make the game the best it can be - recreating the cars/tracks down to every little detail using GPS/car modeling & they can't even include something as basic as night/weather. Its the same as Gran Turismo not having damage, whats the point in advertising your product as "The Real Driving Simulator", when they miss things that happen in real like. Heck!, even PGR1 on the Xbox had Night and Day cycle's & lets not forget MSR on the Dreamcast.
  1.8 Civic EX
O FFS!. They make the game the best it can be - recreating the cars/tracks down to every little detail using GPS/car modeling & they can't even include something as basic as night/weather. Its the same as Gran Turismo not having damage, whats the point in advertising your product as "The Real Driving Simulator", when they miss things that happen in real like. Heck!, even PGR1 on the Xbox had Night and Day cycle's & lets not forget MSR on the Dreamcast.

exactly what i was thinking.....
I think you're forgetting something here. What current gen driving games have you played with night/day? I would at a guess say grid, and if we're honest the lighting is horrible as a result. On last gen consoles they could get away with fairly basic lighting effects for night racing but now the level of detail and the lighting effects are so much more complex I'd imagine it's a pain in the ass to do that, and damage, and 60fps (remember grid is only 30) and calculate physics at 360fps, plus tyre flex plus chassis flex. But of course you could do better......
  1.8 Civic EX
lol oooooooh hand bags ;)

understand all that and the fact it's not included isn't going to stop me buying the game or indeed it being a very good game. Just feel like it's the main thing for me that forza series would really benefit from to take it a real step further..
Tbh I think probably combination of time and hardware restrictions meant it went on the "would be nice but it's getting cut" list.

All the current gen games that give night/day cycles fall well short of all the other things Forza gives, Physics being the biggest and IMO most important. Number of cars, livery editor, online lobby options, mods etc.
I suspect it is although GT5 is alleged to have dynamic day/night but then they've had 5 years to implement it, it's not proven as yet and even if it is I'll judge how well it works as/when the game actually arrives.
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
The only good game that I can think of on this gen with weather is PGR4 tbh. I just think its lazy as night/day - its surely just a matter of textures?.
Weather on PGR4 is s**t, the lighting at night is better than grid however it has a fraction of the number of cars, no mods, no damage and like grid only runs at 30fps with a pretty basic physics engine. As much as we'd all love to see the ultimate racing game with all race circuits combined with numerous roads/rally courses, around 1000 cars with, full realistic damage running at 60fps, with an awesome physics engine, dynamic day/night and weather conditions the hardware and the time required to do so just arent there yet.
  C-VXR. Once owned a Clio

No other forum has such heated GAME discussions like ClioSport. Ive missed this.

By the way......... I think the GT series is much better than Forza.

The only thing I rate Forza for is the ability to by and sell cars from other users. THAT..... is one great feature!!!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
lol, if you can't see that the physics in Forza are better than the GT series, IMHO you can't drive/play properly.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I think Forza will eventually get weather. Just remember the work they're putting into tyre models for dry conditions. Wet transforms that which I would imagine would be a lot more work. I'm no expert though.

I think they should put day/night in just for comedy value.

PGR2. Nurburgring. Night.

Some bright spark would put their brakes on if they were at the front of the grid, letting the people behind run into them smashing their headlights. Then race off leaving the guy behind with no headlights on a track that's not illuminated!
  C-VXR. Once owned a Clio

I'd prefer them to get the dry physics spot on, before wasting time on trying to simulate wet.


GT set the bench mark.... It'll be a while before Forza even has a chance to take it over.... Yh they have damage.... But its not real damage is it... I mean you dont see the car literally bend/fold on impact.

This is what GT is trying to achieve!
  BMW M4; S1000 RR

GT set the bench mark.... It'll be a while before Forza even has a chance to take it over.... Yh they have damage.... But its not real damage is it... I mean you dont see the car literally bend/fold on impact.

This is what GT is trying to achieve!


Well they've done a good job so far... Y'know, what with cars that can bounce off a concrete wall at 200mph and then finish the race at full pace...
  Nippy white cup
I loved the handling on GT and was a big fan for years...but there was nothing else to really compare it to at the time. We are still waiting to see the damage properly on GT5..the only slight view was in the rally bit which looks like a single car on the track affair which will mean a lot less on screen detail and more to spare for the damage. I will be very surprised if you can have 16 different vehicles leaving bits of bodywork all over the track

  Ph 1 172
what would be cool is if they linked the game to whatever time your xbox is.... so if it was middle of the day when you were playing it would be daylight....if the sun was rising or setting it would match that so you would have sun glare... and if it was night it would be night in the game. that would be sweet

dont really give a s**t about weather either

GT set the bench mark.... It'll be a while before Forza even has a chance to take it over.... Yh they have damage.... But its not real damage is it... I mean you dont see the car literally bend/fold on impact.

This is what GT is trying to achieve!

You on crack son?

I was the biggest GT fanboy going from GT through til GT4 but what else was there to compare it with in terms of driving games on consoles? Not much is the short answer.

I'll give PD and KY the credit they deserve for starting a great franchise and pumping out quality games over a sustained period however they are no longer at the cutting edge IMO.

GT5 has A LOT to prove in my eyes, 4/5 years in dev it better be nothing short of epic or there will be alot of egg of faces, even the GT fanboys are getting restless!

GT was the leader but since it's birth all it's really done with each sequel is add cars, add tracks, improve graphics. The sound is laughable, the physics are second rate (They IMO have all the life and feedback/feel of an EP3 steering rack + epic understeer) and the online woefully inadequate.

Forza may not be as pretty to look at, same number of cars (which in fairness is bulked out with alot of repetition of Ltd editions of the same car model) nor have the history that the GT series has in its favour but on all other fronts it is leaps and bounds ahead.

As for the damage this is limited by manufacturers, while some are happy for the cars to be destroyed so long as the passenger compartment remains intact others get pissy as soon as you try to lose a bumper.






















Tunnel ;)


Another Lambo interior ;)

Some more Honda pics coming today (read as tonight for those of you who keep forgetting the time difference ;) )
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The interiors are really something special. A lot of work has obviously gone into huge detail this time around. :cool:
