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Forza Motorsport 6


ClioSport Club Member
Im actually excited for this. I didn't really enjoy 2 & 3, so much so that I didn't bother with 4, and I got 5 when I bought my XBone, and initially hated it too. I gave it a chance thoug, and absolutely love it now. For some reason I do find it a bit repetitive at times though, hopefully they'll introduce some more relaxed/fun driving - not to FH standards though obviously.


ClioSport Club Member
4 was the best imo, I put a stupid amount of hours into that. 5 is good just lacked online and tracks can get boring I guess.

Hopefully because of project cars they will step up their game with this. Sure there will be plenty dlc though that's just the norm for Forza games now tbh.
  Nippy white cup
As Adam said FM4 was the best hopefully the same will happen with the new gen games improvment wise. FM5 was clearly rushed through for the launch but was a good indication of what we can expect.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
3 was my favourite, used to have decent lobbies for that.

Not sure I'll bother with 5, I've only just got an Xbox. Worth getting?

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Might as well pre order this one.
Add it to the forza collection.

Have got 1-5 + both horizons + every DLC pack ever released.

Looks like I will continue to be turn 10's b**ch for another year!
  Bus Winker
Forza would be perfect if it had a little bit of a storyline to it. With a character you can follow that would have rivalries etc..
That would make the career less repetitive I think.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Luke it's worth getting. The racing isn't extra exciting or anything, but it looks incredible.
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
5 is great I think. Quite addicted to just hammering the nurburg trying to other peoples times. Down to rank 1500 across the leaderboard in class C.


ClioSport Club Member
FM5 is good, Just lacks a lot of features and content that it should have. I am in the mind set that FM5 was just as stopgap while they worked away on this though.

Im hoping for good things, Graphics should be a step up again over 5 since dev now have more access to the processing on the console. Don't be surprised if we see weather/night time as well thanks to FH2.

Nordschleife in the wet and dark, yes please. Oh and lets hope they sort out the VLN/GP layout of the Ring and use the proper chicane for it. Annoys me

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
5 is great I think. Quite addicted to just hammering the nurburg trying to other peoples times. Down to rank 1500 across the leaderboard in class C.

This is pretty much what I do on it, very addictive trying to go faster and faster without touching the grass anywhere!
  Clio Sport 172
Just hope they put back some of the original tracks, Suzuka, Mugello and Tskuba are far more fun than some of the crap they've had on 4&5 esp Yas Marina!


ClioSport Club Member
I really hope Turn 10 steps Forza 6 up a notch. I hope they move away from the boring clinical approach of Forza 5. IMO if they dont add weather effects and different time of day cycles I'm not going to bother!
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
The last one I found fun was Forza3. Countless time I spent building quick Porsche's to compete on the leaderboards. 4 felt like a sellout, Topgear voice overs and "knock over the cones" racing... I mean ffs.
  107 Track Car & C4
I'm quite disappointed in the track list, doesn't seem much different to FM5, but will probably get it when there are few, cheaper used copies going around. Graphics look insane though :)
  Ciio 200
Its a shame they seem to have forgotten the Japanese tracks again. I missed Suzuka from FM5, yet they continue to keep Sebring which I hate with a passion. This may be the first Forza that I won't bother with the £60 limited edition, and won't bother to pre-order either. I'm starting to get a bit fed up of paying £60 for a game, and then being asked to pay an extra £30 for a Car Pass too.


ClioSport Club Member
Looking forward to this now. Anyone know if there's going to be a demo? I've had a look using google with no luck.

Getting kind of bored with Project Cars now so will be nice to have a change of game just hope they don't flop like FM5.

Car list is looks pretty good too :).


ClioSport Club Member
Do you know if it comes out midnight or sometime in the day, I'm hoping a chance to play it tonight but we will see I guess.


ClioSport Club Member
I've had the top digital edition on pre-order for a while. Looking forward to it.

You one of the early players? Some people get access on the 10th iirc about £85 though. I'll just get the VIP one which is £65 I'm working that week anyway so wont get much chance to play if I pay more to get it early.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Played demo and liked it a lot, felt more like 4 I think.

So I've ordered the ultimate edition. By the time you've bought the season pass it'll work out more than £82 anyway, and I'll get to play it a week early!


ClioSport Club Member
Funny that I played the demo last night and FM4 today and have to agree they feel very similar. I really struggled tbh, Project Cars has slightly ruined these Forza games for me, never felt so arcadey before.

Because it feels so similar to FM4 though I'm confident with time I'll get well into it. I wont be pre ordering though I don't think, I'll have another blast of the demo before I decide.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
It just felt right straight away, FM5 always felt a bit stiff. I didn't get on with Project Cars so this is good.

Now I've bought the ultimate edition I don't think I'll buy NFS just yet!
  Goliath I
Played the Demo, not greatly impressed tbh. The rain and surface water was pretty cool, but will that mean A Wet Race/A Dry Race... No interchangeable conditions?

Still seemed to be just plonked in the middle of the field at the beginning of the race.

And the whole MOD thing WTF? Start one position higher on the grid, add 6% boost, add 6% grip... Goodbye Forza...
