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From the midlands, a delayed Hello to all

  04 Clio 1.6 16vDynamique+
I've been on here for a while now but didn't get around to saying hello.


Big thanks to everyone that has helped in my forum threads/posts. Hopefully it will help others as it has helped me.

Here are a couple of pics of my beauty. Got her in August. She superseded a 60BHP 02 reg 1.25L Fiat Punto, what a heap that was. This Clio is my second car since I passed my test in mid July. 110BHP should do me fine for a couple of years, or at least until I can afford a Clio cup. Quite a boasting session I must admit, but I’m proud of her. Ha-ha.




Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Hi mate, your car is nice! ...My 2nd car was a rusty austin metro! I only discovered "cliosport" today and this is my first time on a forum... so I don't quite know what I'm doing!! ...but hey, I'm sure I'll start figuring it out!
  Titanium 182
Hey mate Nice car :D

0.2 of a litre bigger than my engine and a whole 10BHP :(

Gonna have to try get mine mapped and stuff to catch you up :approve:

You have detailed her very nicelycant wait to get home from college on friday and do mine. BTW Gorgeous colour :]

see you around :rasp:

  04 Clio 1.6 16vDynamique+
Not too many 1.6s about :)

I've noticed this. The only ones I have seen, 3 so far, have not been Dynamique or Dynamique+. Makes me special, I like feeling special, suits my personality :approve:

I was wondering, in a Clio sport, 172 or cup, can one high rev? For example I get the entire rev limit to play with, changing at 7500 rpm to take advantage of the power band.
  04 Clio 1.6 16vDynamique+
[/quote]I've noticed this. The only ones I have seen, 3 so far, have not been Dynamique or Dynamique+.[/quote]




One less. Damn J reg Land Rover came around a blind corner in the middle of the road. I snaped her front right CV joint as she did with mine and bent her rear axle out by about 15 degress. I took 3 bay parked cars with me.

Car damage includes, broken front right CV joint, bent front right shock piston, small wishbone thingy, and plenty of panel damage. Providing the frame of the car is undamaged (legal) then I should be able to fix everything myself, I may be on here for some help please :)
