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Galaxy Tab

Cant see a thread for these (cant say im surprised) so thought id post my finding after using.

Love the size of it, nice and compact, keep comparing it to the ipad all time so it has its positives and negatives regarding size.

Screen is pretty responsive and easy to type with.

Making a call is hilarious!!!

Overall its not really worth the price tag compared to the iPad, but it you fancy something different its a nifty bit of kit.

  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
looks alright but samsung have got their pricing all wrong. would rather get an iPad, and the iPad 2 will blow it out of the water tbh. good for now though
  Mito Sportiva 135
Seems way too expensive for something like this, it's a cool little gadget but screen is too small, and not powerfull enough to do anything a cheaper PC couldn't do. I am yet to really be convinced by tablets - if you have a phone just get a desktop or a laptop, surely?
