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genuine unlimited unthrottled broadband?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
does it exist?

out of contract with BT who tbh, throttle the s**t out of my line down to under a 1mb in the evenings due to my flatmate downloading every piece of data he can get his hands on.

happy to pay up to £30 a mth. Speed isn't a mega issue as my line can only do 5.5mb apparently and i am not in any areas for fibre optic etc

any suggestions?
BE arent covering my area either, Vigin 50meg is too exspensive...

BT are throttling me, and emailing me when i go over 80gb... Running 4 computers and a xbox it adds up fast.
  Dodgy one
Apparantly i've already got one, however i didnt know, I'm with o2 who said when i was trying to get it set up they were having to use BTs lines and something else as they didnt cover my area,

Guess its them then :S

If it is, its not bad orange used to be faster though
  Tesla MP3 2021
Shame Be isn't in your area as they are definitely the best ADSL provider, though I now have VM 50Mb and that is just unbeatable lol.
  172 Cup
The only LLU providers at your exchange (I know where Seb lives ;) ) are AOL and Talk Talk. Neither of which are great but it's still better than BTW.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
tbh, i find my connection of 5mb fine for my needs. I just want my PSN to be consistent, as it constantly logs out in the evening due to flatmates rapage of the downloads.

I <3 the griff. :cool:
Sky has been perfect for me. Connected at 7mb and get 700k/s download all day everyday and no limits at all on the unlimited package. Ping is a bit high at 50 but I just need to call up and get them to change something on the line to make it better. Laziness ftl.


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
O2 are the best ive found. At my flat at uni we download around 100gb a month. No throttling at all. Only costs us £9 a month + we got the first 3 months free



ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3

been with tiscali/talk talk for about 4-5 years and been pants from the beginning, getting low speed/ high ping getting disconnections all the time and horrible customer service

and now with SW Broadband since last week and my connection is so much faster way less ping and the customer service is very good and you can talk to them out of office hours too which is very good for me and you can talk to them via MSN too.

not one time i have seen my connection speed drop

i'm pleased i went to them

also on the PSN my NAT type was moderate on Talk Talk and now it's on OPEN and it's been fantastic i've been getting hosts for the first time and been getting full 4 bars too pretty much all the time now


  A thirsty 172

been with tiscali/talk talk for about 4-5 years and been pants from the beginning, getting low speed/ high ping getting disconnections all the time and horrible customer service

and now with SW Broadband since last week and my connection is so much faster way less ping and the customer service is very good and you can talk to them out of office hours too which is very good for me and you can talk to them via MSN too.

not one time i have seen my connection speed drop

i'm pleased i went to them

also on the PSN my NAT type was moderate on Talk Talk and now it's on OPEN and it's been fantastic i've been getting hosts for the first time and been getting full 4 bars too pretty much all the time now


NAT has absolutely nothing to do with ISP's and everything to do with you setting up your router correctly.



  A thirsty 172
Network Address Translation.

In a nutshell it's a way to publish services hosted on a private network via a public IP address, although there's so much more to it than that. Search Wikipedia if you're actually interested :p


  A thirsty 172
Not laughing at you as such, just laughing that someone picked up on the "incorrect" bit in typical CS stylee. Don't take offence, it happens to everyone.
Sky has been perfect for me. Connected at 7mb and get 700k/s download all day everyday and no limits at all on the unlimited package. Ping is a bit high at 50 but I just need to call up and get them to change something on the line to make it better. Laziness ftl.
same here, not arsed about pings though.

i can usually get full speed out of sky any time but i dont share my connection with anyone :rasp:
  Go cry to your momma!
If your flatmate is downloading torrents/newsgroups I'd suggest getting a router with QOS to make sure that your browsing/streaming traffic gets priority.

If you get a 20meg line, he'll still top that out if he's like most downloaders so you need to make sure his traffic gets low priority.

I'd dismiss all of the comments regarding plusnet. I was with them for 6 weeks and after 6pm I couldn't even stream a low quality video on youtube. The only thing they don't shape at peak times is port 80 stuff.
If you're considering them, have a look at their forums and you'll soon see what I mean.

It's a shame you can't go with o2/be* as they genuinely are ace :)
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Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Plusnet have been so good since i've first signed up, never had to send an email or phone them once. 6.5mb constant all day.

My exchange says it's a maximum of 6mb (in the stick ftl) So i'm chuffed to bits!
