god damn french cars drive me nuts
so there i am a few hours ago driving along to go see abit of stuff as you do & i hear this fast flapping like sound pull over next lay by & my passanger side arch liner is jammed up to the front tyre
so que lots of swearing in english/irish followed by more swearing
the arch liners got ripped to bits & so has my new kumho hole inside edge has gone
manged to limp the few miles to work in a haze of tyre/liner smoke & dump it there till morning were some more swearing can happen
so there i am a few hours ago driving along to go see abit of stuff as you do & i hear this fast flapping like sound pull over next lay by & my passanger side arch liner is jammed up to the front tyre
so que lots of swearing in english/irish followed by more swearing
the arch liners got ripped to bits & so has my new kumho hole inside edge has gone
manged to limp the few miles to work in a haze of tyre/liner smoke & dump it there till morning were some more swearing can happen