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Going around in circles...

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Only if there are no straights lol. They're a car that you'll only 'get' once you've been in a good one driving hard. They're not fast at all, but around a circuit like Curborough sliding sideways through chicanes and drifting around corners they're heaps of fun! I think @LeeRS enjoyed a couple of laps in it, even though I kept spinning on what was quite a slippery surface.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
There was a few at Oulton. Agreed with straight line speed but wouldn't say I flew past. Round the bends I found it a nice battle really. And can't say it for everyone but they all seem really curtious on track

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
It's probably because most MX-5 owners are old and grey lol.

Joke aside, yes the MX-5 lads always seem like a nice bunch... Their meets are like family get togethers!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Ha ha. it's definatly a car I'd consider for trackdays. Like you say would come into its own on a technical circuit, be a right laugh. Had a great battle with more of a track based mk3 the trackday before last. I was quicker but there was a nice gap over say three laps, it wasn't busy so it was like our own trackday.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Well let's put it this way... I'm more tempted to track the Mazda than the Megane, which some people can't get their head around. Yes, the Megane would destroy the MX-5 but is that all that matters? Of course not! The Mazda puts a bigger smile on my face, so I'm going to be booking it in for an MX-5 trackday at Blyton this summer :smile:


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Don't blame you. I probably do know but what megane have you got? I assume a 225 of some sort. Slightly off topic but I'm temlted to try a 225. But, although I won't break any records in mine, it's mint (for what it is) and costs very little to run. Oh and it's fun which is what its all about.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
It's a 225 Trophy, which unlike all other Trophy's is a special edition because it's loaded with extra kit rather than being a stripped out version. It's a great car in nearly every way except it's just not as 'fun' as the MX-5, or Ignis!. If you're after something more grown-up and easier to live with from day-to-day than the Clio, then a 225 is a good option. I'd advise you to choose a later special edition (F1/Cup/Trophy) as they improved a few things that needed sorting.

  Listerine & Poledo
I reckon I'll use a roundel to cover up the rust on the arches when it comes back.

All non-scene MX5s go well on track.

EDIT: oh, and at least Meganes are almost as hideous as an Ignis, even if they're not as childishly fun :)
Last edited:

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Well, anyway... Not really much to update but I've actually owned the Mazda well over 12 months now, which for me must be some kind of record! Haven't done anything exciting to the car other than general maintenance.

So I saw a thread on the MX-5 forum for a club day over at Blyton much like Cliosport Saturday, so I booked up for an opportunity to take the Mazda for a thrash!

Rather than a dull video of clean, boring laps... I thought I'd give you a general gist of how the day went in a 30 second video...



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Ha ha. You sure the megane is the car for you?. I joke as I know you can drive well.

Looked fun

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Shortly after Blyton I put the Watanabe's back on then headed to a Waxoyl specialist to get the car treated, and then let my detailing friend free on it for a day...


The picture doesn't do it justice, it's super shiny!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Went for a Sunday blast today and forgot just how much fun it is to drive, especially now I have a diesel Leon!


This picture is a couple of weeks old now but I love my little hairdresser car!
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
My old R-Ltd had that steering wheel but red seats. Sold the red interior for a small fortune but never got round to changing the wheel, apparently they fetch ok money. Really didn't like it when trying to drive spiritedly as the joints between the wood and metal are not nice to grip tightly! Suppose with gloves it wouldn't be so bad.

Love that green, and £1800 is not strong money at all (providing it's not got or seen rust). If it has then it's still not bad money for a roadworthy car at all!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
It's rust-free and Waxoyled to death... I got a bargain I think!
I don't like the feel of the wheel either but it looks pretty lol.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Hit up Curborough last weekend with a few mates and @LeeRS and his other half... Didn't get any pictures while I was there but had a good day. Undecided whether to stick a turbo on it...


Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
So it's time for now tyres (no idea why!) but I don't know whether to get the rims painted silver first, or just leave them bare metal. I like the bare metal finish but they're a b*****d to keep clean as the brake dust stains them! The other problem I have is I don't have another set of wheels to fit while I get them painted, so may have to borrow a set from someone!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I booked a trackday this week for my birthday, and against my better judgement took the MX-5 seeing as it was pouring down with rain. I figured it would be more fun than understeering everywhere in the Fiesta!
I was on Nankang NS20's which only score 56% in the wet on the TyreReview website, and the discs and pads were standard too. I also had no ABS either, so to say I was having traction issues was putting it mildly! Got some cool photos though!






The Mazda was actually hilarious fun and bloody terrifying at times with constant sliding and locking-up. I eventually spun at 70mph exiting Cascades, which was inevitable as I was pushing harder and harder.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
I know you always push hard anyway regardless of the conditions.
Still laugh at the moment i told Nikki to go round curborough with you.
"Yeah, it will be fine". next thing i know your on the centre green. hahaha felt so bad.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Yeah that looks like an equally soggy day, Joey... What tyres were you running? Car looks ace though!

@McDriftin I've still no idea tbh... I've become mates with the local autocross/autosolo club and played navigator for day last weekend. It was fun but I'm not sure it's exciting enough to make me want to take it seriously. I'm tempted to stick to trackdays for now until I've found something I really want to do.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
@McDriftin I've still no idea tbh... I've become mates with the local autocross/autosolo club and played navigator for day last weekend. It was fun but I'm not sure it's exciting enough to make me want to take it seriously. I'm tempted to stick to trackdays for now until I've found something I really want to do.

Autosolos aren't really srs business to be honest, it's more about enjoying yourself and having a bit of friendly competition. If you're already getting your fix with trackdays then hey ho!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
So my mate hired a damp Curborough Sprint Course for his birthday this week = Lots of sliding!


Had a great time fooling around, and it reminded me why I love the little old gutless thing so much!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
So nothing new here really, but the MX-5 is officially the car I've owned the longest at 3yrs... I normally sell my cars within a year! I desperately want a track toy but can't find anything to replace the Mazda with, so I'm looking at making the MX-5 faster. I hate turbo's so I'm looking at either supercharging or engine mods like cams and throttle bodies. I don't want loads of power, but 160bhp would make a massive difference I reckon!

Doesn't look 26yrs old does she!
