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Grand Theft Auto V

  53 Clio's & counting
A few tips I have found, unsure if they have been said already

spoiler -ish

If you run past a property that you want to buy about 15 feet away from the F/S sign tapping the right button you will buy the property without paying for it - unsure if it works for all properties but I have bought the helipad, marina and the hanger at the main airport this way without spending a penny

Also if you do the cult missions (elipsion iirc? it's on your internet on your phone) and get all the way to the last mission, DONT park the car by the helicopter like it says, but blow up the helicopter, kill all the cult guards and loose the cops in the car you were given - you complete the mission and get to keep about 2 million $


ClioSport Club Member
I spent at least 3 hours today finding all the leftover blank areas on my map, mainly on obscure hills and coastlines. So much to do!


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
With the fighter jet, there is one in a hanger. Go in there and sometimes if you're lucky, they can't find you. Then it's just boost out and rise immediately.
  Mk4 Mondeo Estate
I went in with the tank I bought for Trevor, went just outside of the hangar and shot everyone with the tank until it gave me enough time to get in the jet and fly off. Didn't use the runway. Was still getting shot by rockets when I flew off though


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
Anyone else 100% game completion yet ? :eek:


I love this game. So much detail and the stories are really entertaining. Counting down until tuesday now for the online play!

More stats can be found on my tracking blog -
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ClioSport Club Member
Fighter jet is supprisingly easy to get, only took 3 times to get it.. Not sure if it is fully saved in the hanger though.. I presume it's like the cars if you take it out and save it won't be there?


ClioSport Club Member
The only proper mission i seem to have left is a hotel assassination one for franklin. Does this mean i have to play it as i dont have that much money!
If anyones heard of gamerpoop, there's a GTA series starting for it

Weird s**t but funny as f**k haha
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North East
ClioSport Area Rep
The only proper mission i seem to have left is a hotel assassination one for franklin. Does this mean i have to play it as i dont have that much money!

The assassination missions are where you make the money.

Watch the cut scene before every mission, there's 5 in total marked by the big "L".

Lester normally says "if anyone has shares in .... There going to be happy" or "I might just buy shares in ..... ".

When he says that company you want to invest all your money on all 3 characters in them companies.

You'll make a fortune.

I've got over $100 million now on all 3 characters and own all in game properties. :)


ClioSport Club Member
I thought everyone was saying to leave them to the end so you have more money to invest. I haven't made any money since the first heist, and have got next to nothing left with trevor and franklin. Worst advice ever?


  BMW 440i
I thought everyone was saying to leave them to the end so you have more money to invest. I haven't made any money since the first heist, and have got next to nothing left with trevor and franklin. Worst advice ever?

I've done two heists and one of the assassinations, but have barely made any money since the first assasination. I'm at about 45% now, tempted to do another assasination as I do have a fair bit of cash but goes down £5k everytime I get wasted lol!
i started following that reddit thing and i've made 1mil between my characters overnight... i'm defiantly going to put more money into it next time
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
I thought everyone was saying to leave them to the end so you have more money to invest. I haven't made any money since the first heist, and have got next to nothing left with trevor and franklin. Worst advice ever?

You dont need money at the start though do you? so dont worry about it.

Put your money in the bank, that way dying doesnt cost you £5k in hospital fee's.
Completed story last night. Only at 78% though - cba with races/golf/tennis. Good game, decent story - chose C at the end, felt it was a bit rushed, will play through both alternative endings before final judgement. Wasn't as immersive and 'special' as Fallout 3 for me, but still a nice solid 9/10.
Hmmm ive got a feeling its about 4am. wont be able to play it till 6pm anyway as im working, but hopefully the servers will be bearable by then ;)
  BG Clio 182
Im going to give the online a wide berth for a while, it will be mad i can see this crashing big time the servers will go into meltdown!!
  BG Clio 182
Watching the online stock market waiting to cash in my stocks in Pisswaser and make a killing hopefully:cool:


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
I thought everyone was saying to leave them to the end so you have more money to invest. I haven't made any money since the first heist, and have got next to nothing left with trevor and franklin. Worst advice ever?

Sorry. I thought you'd finished as this was your only mission left. :(


ClioSport Club Member
looks like its the only mission i have to do, but i think you have to do the first one to carry on the storey, will pump all my money into shares anyway.
  Nimbus Clio 197
What's all this about online shares and people affecting the price? Is this right? Is it already connected to the online part of the game? Feel like i'm missing out on something here!
Hopefully online will be good cos i've got bored of the game already. Story is finished and now im just driving round and if I want to start a chase the police have the best aim ever. So after a little shoot out I die in a few mins which is super f**king boring/


ClioSport Club Member
Hopefully online will be good cos i've got bored of the game already. Story is finished and now im just driving round and if I want to start a chase the police have the best aim ever. So after a little shoot out I die in a few mins which is super f**king boring/

Just get a car max armour, bullet proof tyres, sticky bombs. Max stars for a good while = good fun. Even better if you have a tank although I find a car lasts longer
Thats what i've been doing lately, Got a car called Coil its real quick and with the upgrades its cracking fun... for about 10 mins. I ended up quick saving then having a game with cheats, but the cops are too good and even by the time ive entered a code for full health/armour im dead lol


ClioSport Club Member

done the franklin into the base, nicked the jet, lost the cops, landed it at Trevor's airfield, won't start up again! Took a hit on take off! f**k!
  S4 Avant

done the franklin into the base, nicked the jet, lost the cops, landed it at Trevor's airfield, won't start up again! Took a hit on take off! f**k!

I found this. If you so much as look at the fighter jet, it falls out the sky.
