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Grand Theft Auto V

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
GTA IV was only made awesome by the Ballad of Gay Tony DLC.

But then this is GTA V thread, not IV.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The European-based online retailer has posted what appears to be a release date for Grand Theft Auto 5. When questioned, the retailer confirmed that the release date of November 23, 2012 was provided to them by their supplier.

"I can confirm that this is the release date forwarded by our supplier," said a spokesperson for Zavvi to Eurogamer PT. "If the release date changes, our website will be updated immediately."

Although the release date of Grand Theft Auto 5 has yet to be formally announced, game analysts like Michael Pachter have expressed their belief that the game may well be released this year.

Furthermore, previously revealed resumes of staff at Rockstar Games working on the game gave good indication that the game would be out around October. Given the nature of game development, there's a good chance that their internal release date of October have slipped by a month.

The game's release in November doesn't seem too far fetched given the company's recent ramping up of their marketing machine, which began with the release of three screenshots yesterday. Rockstar says that they plan to release more screenshots later this week.

There's a good chance that we'll hear a formal release date statement from Rockstar Games fairly soon.


I was thinking, being Rockstar and GTA they could just not announce a release date. And say one Thursday, "Right peeps, the game's done, it's quality. Oh and it's out tomorrow". It'd still sell shedloads the second it went on sale.

Surprised it may be this year though..
  Evo 5 RS
You're kidding right?

So far all we know is, you might be able to play tennis and there's an old crop duster in a canyon with a river.


  PD130 Peach
sick game looks sick, im an idiot when it comes to gaming, will it come out the same time on ps3 xbox and PC? i am a ps3 owner, the last GTA i owned was san andreas, and i would play that again today if i could!

Cant see the graphics being that sharp on a console though!
"More info in a few weeks" they just said.

It won't be this year. A few weeks is middle of Sept. If it was going to come out Oct time then the big stores would have their orders in and be wanting to do pre-orders.

Look at COD/Fifa. Both of those gave their release date aaaaaaaaages ago and they've been going on about pre-ordering it.

As much as they could never say a word and it would sell millions anyway, they'll really want to push the PR on it. There will be ads everywhere so that everyone knows.

Q2 2013 is my guess. But I hope I'm wrong.
  Evo 5 RS
NO. No. Stop it

which has led some people to think about the possibility of GTA V seeing a release date this year, although this very idea has been rejected by a number of analysts.

Who pays these f**king people. "No chance mate. Few screen shots? Forget it, next year." All in a days work
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
I know the link has been posted but might aswell post them properly on the thread :)






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  Goliath I
So far all we know is, you might be able to play tennis and there's an old crop duster in a canyon with a river.

Exactly, a few screens which looks like it could be from any modern game. They tell us nothing other than the graphics have been maxed out, and they're stills anyway so that means not a great deal.

Teasers, trailers, screenshots... Meh. Until I see gameplay footage I just can't get myself that excited about it.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I think I might masturbate over that Lambo for another week.
  Evo 5 RS
It wasn't a bad port?

Draw distance and a few options were added incase you had the hardware to run it. After a few patches on release performance was fine
  Yaris Hybrid
It was a notoriously bad port!

Even with the additional options maxed out it doesn't look particularly good and to this day doesn't achieve the frame rates it should on current equipment.

The irony is that whilst moaning about it running too slow, when I played it a few months back the final mission is still bugged and impossible to complete on a decent PC unless you run your CPU on one core - because otherwise the game runs too fast for you to hammer the button quick enough to climb into the chopper! Direct port from the 30fps 360 version!

That was fun figuring out why I kept dying when it doesn't have checkpoints and makes you re-run 20 mins of boring driving and shooting to reach that point again!!!!

In case you hadn't guessed I am still salty about that!!!

Well anyway at least their recent releases have been better optimised and only had a small gap between console and PC releases. Reasons to be positive.
  Evo 5 RS
Weird. I had no problems with the PC version after the first patch. Looked great too. Don't forget it's not bug free on the console versions either.
My PC version runs pretty decent frame rates using my laptop plugged into my TV playing 1080p full settings and sometimes in 3d. I'm plying the eflc version so that could be why its decent

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Gotta admit, it ran like s**te on my PC when I first got it. Mind you - that was v1.0000000001 - so it's kind of expected. I haven't noticed much else of being an issue - but the GTA series never really captivates me anyway. I played the one set to 80s music (San Andreas?) the most - but even that wore a little thin after a couple of hours.

A revamp of the original GTA is definitely needed. ;)

