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Grand Theft Auto V

  Ford Fiesta ZS 2013
They just announced the collectors edition of the game. I dont know if I should wait and see if they are going to do a XboxOne or PS4 port? hmm
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
This will be the last GTA game on the current gen consoles and it won't be ported to the next gen. Rockstar have confirmed this.
Correct me if I'm wrong...

Xbox One doesn't allow you to play Xbox 360 games? But GTA is not being released on the Xbox One? Or if it does are we likely to pay £59.99 for it?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Personally, I don't give a s**t which gen consoles it will/won't work with and whether it will be backwards/forwards/diagonally compatible.

I will be throwing my money at the vendor when it comes out and playing it on whatever it plays on. Looks like it's going to be a great game.
Personally, I don't give a s**t which gen consoles it will/won't work with and whether it will be backwards/forwards/diagonally compatible.

I will be throwing my money at the vendor when it comes out and playing it on whatever it plays on. Looks like it's going to be a great game.

No doubt a lot of people will be doing the same, but for those who are buying the Xbox One they're going to want to use it AFAIK Xbox One doesn't play 360 games. So you're going to have 2 consoles.... But if it is released on both consoles, there's likely to be a price difference.

If GTA V isnt compatable with the next Gen consoles and they decide to make it available for them. How can it possibly be made before 2014 maybe even 2015 by that time everyone would of already given in a bought it for there old xbox/ps3.

Plus if most people do buy it for there old console R*'s market for people buying it for there next gen will be very very limted. Who would want to buy the same game twice just to play it on XboxOne/PS4.

I dont think it is worth them making a GTA V for next gen they may aswell jump straight into GTA VI.
  Evo 5 RS



ClioSport Club Member
I'm going to rinse this for all its worth. Who wants an overpriced launch console when you could be playing the pinnacle of current gen games.
  Evo 5 RS
It does say fan made, so there's no harm in posting it.

It does help, and I can't stress this is enough, if you read.
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ClioSport Club Member
I'm not bothered by that at all, tbh. I ploughed most hours into the very first GTA game and since then my interest has increasingly waned....


Yeah vice city was the only one I really got into SA was okay but I wasn't hooked. Hoping this will be good but I wont be buying straight away.
