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***grrrrrrrrr i h8 bodyshops!!***

  172 M69 eater

picked up my car today from the bodyshop after it had to stay over the weekend for the paint to dry which was supicious to me from the start but then i turned on my stereo goin down the road and no bass, and the clock says 11 miles?!?! i mean ive got a fat sub and i have no bass... so i open the boot, there is a white mark on the carpet and my phono wires...but no other wires are removed...and also someone has pissed with the settings :mad: and in the boot i had a pair of 20 quid pioneer speakers...nothin special so i thought f**k it leave em in the boot... and they r gone :mad::mad: only the box left...

the manager was gone wen i made it back and now i have to wait till 2mo, but i have already made a complaint....

lesson learned - dont trust anyone who lives in STOKE!!!
  Clio v6

I told a wee white lie to my bodyshop. After he asked if it had a tracker, I said yes I have a "Gold Tracker" and that I would bring him a print out showing each time the car was started and exactly where it has been to within 3 metres.

Worked though. :oops:
  172 M69 eater

ah well i guess my new audiobahn components that i will b tellin them i want in replacement will make it up!! :devilish:

Quote: Originally posted by dash on 02 June 2003

I told a wee white lie to my bodyshop. After he asked if it had a tracker, I said yes I have a "Gold Tracker" and that I would bring him a print out showing each time the car was started and exactly where it has been to within 3 metres.
Worked though. :oops:
Nice idea! :D

i just went to one and just sorta said as a rough guess to fit the utopia body kit (like basing on how much ova kits r, and he got soo larey, he was like waste of our time m8, complete waste of our time, thought, will find someone else then, ne1 got a rough guess at how much a front/rear valance, side skirts, spoiler and bonnet vent should be to fit, cos i dont wanna get striped up but duno cos im new to this heh, thankx
  172 M69 eater

i have spoke to the boss today and hes ringing me at half 2. the bloke who did the work reckons there is nothin in my boot apart from the sub....hmmmm so he didnt spot the foot pump, the spanner set, the lunchbox(?!) and the wire brush?!

if i dont get a new set im goin to go pay the cozzers a visit.

but yes mate i can guarantee u the speaker were there and i am sooo angry cus i know they were there and they have been nicked :mad:
