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  FOCUS ST 275
Bloodyhell D-MVN i just cant hit teh sweet spot on the first corner on that Daytona Road track with the R34, no abs so i seem to lock the fron up = no steering and aaaaaaaaargh its doing my head in!!

Ur 1.5s faster and i know where i can get half a second, if only i can get the first corner right....... if only.

D-MVN im coming for your lap time!!

Have you got a Wheel?

I think we need more CS members to go for this lap record. Just dont know what other ppls Online names are.

Mines EZRA182 and im a GT5P addict.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
For only £17.99 I'm not complaining, I actually think it is great value and an excellent game. If others disagree then that is their right.

The G25 combined with a Playseat is a great way to play the game. I've found the cars to be far more controllable when left foot braking combined with the accelerator. Previously I had been right foot braking but the cars were less stable going into corners.
Too much weight transfer with right foot braking. 1st game I've played where how you brake actually affects the attitude of the car.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I got the F430 last night, sounds good (i'm only on TV sound at the moment until my longer optical cable turns up).
is there someway to cheat online?
A few times now i have been gettin ready to start a race in whatever position im in... its scrolling across the front of the track shwing everyone rolling and suddenly some f**ker goes flying through everyone even though we haven't even started yet, and the sod ends up miles ahead when the race has started and the rest of us are left with no chance of catching up...

  MY10 R35 GTR
whos all gona be online the nite???

i know we cany meet in a lobby or anything. :(

But stick ur name up anyway so if I come across u in a race I know ur a CS'er :)


LOL at bumper cars there is nowt worse than leading a race only at the end to be knocked into a tank slapper and get a tiime penalty for your trouble!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Just hooked up my steering wheel, fapping awesome! Anyone thinking of getting a wheel, do it! Only problem, is the gf thinks it's awesome, has booted me off and is racing now:rolleyes:
  FOCUS ST 275
Go check out who the fastest CS Member Nissan Skyline GTR (02 shape ) driver is on the Daytona Road track is lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First corner mastered, now i need to master the 4th & 6th am losing 2 tenths there easy.

Oh and post another lap once you beat mine :rasp:
  Audi TT 225 Quattro
so so addictied to this atm, been playing online for the last 6 hours lol. Can the logitech g25 be had any cheaper than 150pounds ? really feel like i need one.....
  335i M SPORT!!!!
Mee tooo. im loving online play....

Whats the track, n time to beat???

PSN: BlackTeddyBear friendslist most likely full though...


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Just hooked up my steering wheel, fapping awesome! Anyone thinking of getting a wheel, do it! Only problem, is the gf thinks it's awesome, has booted me off and is racing now:rolleyes:

my misses is gettin bloody good at it lol she said "wow its got the noises off the first GT" i was like :S of all the things to remeber lol she is very random tho.


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Yeah i believe a wheel would be more forgiving,

Thinking im going to get one of these G25 tings, its quite hard to try and get my thumb pressure just right for the throttle and steering is near impossible with the analogue stick.
its well easy with the pad dont use the buttons for the gas n brake change the triggers to brake (L2) and gas (R2) then change the right analoge stick to up for shift up n down for shift down simple.

Also on that matter after reading some past posts on page 14+ do you really have nothing better to do the game looks bloody good n at the end of the day ITS A GAME, not real life. yes its nice to have amazing graphics but what does it matter as long as your having fun, space invaders, best game ever cos its so addictive graphics are crap tho but who cares your tryin to kill the aliens your not bothered about how detailed the lazer beams are or the colour of the flying sorcer that goes across the top lol
Last edited:
  BMW 328 Ci
I use right analoge for gas/brake and left for steering, seems to work well and feels intuative with gear up and down on the shoulders, and you get good control. Then I set square and x to look left and right to admire the interiors of the cars.

Im loving the game, graphics are amazing, especially the interiors, which I love, always been disapionted by games just using bumper cams. I think they have made a huge improvement on the handling. In past ones you could floor in in a zonda on a second gear corner and you would get nothing but understeer, do that in the M3 on this one and you are going sideways/around. Its a lot less forgiving now.

It seems quite tricky to build up cash, as winning races is hard (which is a good thing really). I also think they didnt want everyone winning all the cars quickly so online has more variety of cars. And how hard is it to get gold on the lap time ones!? I tried for ages in the capachino and got within a few tenths, but that was getting lucky drafting a huge pack of cars, im miles away from the M3 one, almost seems impossible (I know its not).

Onlines the only disapointment, but I have never been impressed by any racing online since drafting nose to tail with 43 others from across the globe around daytona, laggless, back on Nascar 2003 (The last of a great racing series before EA raped the licence)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Eryl I don't think he is saying that gaming is a unhealthy addiction, I think he was simply commenting on people picking the game apart for some graphic issues rather than just enjoying it.
  FOCUS ST 275
Eryl I don't think he is saying that gaming is a unhealthy addiction, I think he was simply commenting on people picking the game apart for some graphic issues rather than just enjoying it.

Stick Wrong End of, My bad.

Im sorry.
  FOCUS ST 275
I kinda have a tendance to read things and my mind puts it together as somthing else.

So SneekyB are you going to Venture a lap @ Daytona in the R34??
Played last night... 1st place on the final lap... LAST CORNER and some funking t**t smacks into me which causes ME to get a time penalty.... go see through and 5 f*****s overtake THROUGH me!!!! ARRRRGH! pmsl
  Tweaked Leon Cupra R
got my copy last night!! Woop Woop.

Played 4/5hrs and completed A&B licences all gold. Couldn't be bothered waiting on the update to play online but set it to download as i went to bed so i'll be playing online tonight!!

p.s. i think it's awesome!
  BMW 328 Ci
Couldn't be bothered waiting on the update to play online but set it to download as i went to bed so i'll be playing online tonight!!

Thats what you think lol. The update usually fails at least once, mine did about 10 times. Aparently it does resume the download though rather than starting again.


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
246 i think, i did that bad boy last nite i got bored of going round daytona
